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Saturday, January 23, 2021

The Cat is Out of the Bag

Today, my friend called me and told me that the company who might give us the big project asked her to lower our prices. That means they are considering to work with us. When she was asking my opinion on some aspects of the quote, she sensed that not everything was fine on my end. She inquired about what troubled me and I told her that, honestly, this work was not for me. 

I then went on to tell her that I would never jeopardize the current projects and this one if it happens. I will deliver as I have promised whether I like it or not but, in the long run she needs to find someone who likes to do this kind of work.

She was upset and told me that it was her fault because she started me with the wrong project and with a very difficult customer. I told her, that was not the reason and she was not to blame for it. I also told her that I valued our friendship and would not want this decision to drive a wedge between us and she agreed. I could tell she was disappointed but, when her partner was leaving, if I hadn't told her that I would help, she would've found another solution, right? Besides, right around that time, the pandemic happened and there weren't a whole lot of work and I was dealing with mom's sickness and passing. It has been a year since we had that conversation.

It is not like I am hanging her out to dry. Until she finds the person who would like to work with her, I will be supporting her. A promise is a promise.

I wasn't expecting to tell her what I was thinking just yet but, the opportunity presented itself and I felt compelled to blurt out the truth.

I feel relieved already. Thank you "Cheapchick", "One Family, One Income" and "Treaders" for your encouragement. 


  1. Good for you! Hopefully she can find a replacement soon and you can help with the transition.

  2. Gosh I bet that's a relief. Isn't it a great feeling!
