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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hate packing!

I always thought there were not much stuff to be packed but I could not be so wong! Sorting through drawers, bags, cupboards... I am just so tired of looking at documents, throwing away useless receipts, notes, old shopping lists, etc.

I want to accomplish quiet a bit today so that I do not panic during the week because apparently, there is a lot be done.

Here is  my To Do List:

-Separate clothing items I would need until Friday and pack the rest.
-Vacuum the rugs, roll them up and tie them. 
-Run the diswasher one last time after dinner and start packing the kitchen.
-Pack-up the toiletries that will not be needed immediately.
-Pack the shoes
-Empty the drawers by the bedside and gather all medicine together getting rid of expired items.

I was hoping to take back everything that was left with my car but now I have a feeling that I do not have enough space. I may put some of my stuff in the storage area in the basement of my apartment and get them next time I'm in town. My winter tires are already there. 

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