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Sunday, December 1, 2013

SFT's Sealed Pot Challenge for 2014 begins tomorrow!

I am happy to be a part of the Sealed Pot Challenge this year. There are very inspiring bloggers among the participants.

For further info: http://sftandthe101challenge.blogspot.com

I must go find a container to make a sealed pot. I will not be putting coins in because TL coins do not amount to much. I will be putting in 5 and 10 TL bills. For those who are interested here are some currency conversion rates as of last Friday:

1 USD= 2.02 TL
1 BPS= 3.29 TL
1 Canadian Dollar= 1.90 TL
1 Australian Dollar= 1.82 TL
1 Euro= 2.75 TL

In this country we had been through several years of high inflation rates in the past and finally in 2005 we threw out 6 zeros from our currency. Life was difficult when you had to make several digit calculations. It was horrible to be paid in billions (no, it's not a typo).

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