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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Re-Found My Motivation for Weight Loss

It has been a while again since I posted. Today, I want to talk about my weight loss journey so far, how I plateaued, orthopedic issues and how I think I am bouncing back. Hopefully...

My peak weight in my life was 136.5 kg (301 lb.). That was terrible but, I never really looked in the mirror and dislike how I looked. I truly was in Peace with my body.

Every year, I had physicals and my results have never been bad till 2023. The test results were bad and the doctors gave a stern warning. This was in May 2023 but, I could not get my act together for a while after that. Then, as most of you know I found this young Korean Band I fell in love with and got inspired by them but, today, I am not going to talk about that. 

I had seen someone post about putting together a Weight Loss Buddy Team and without even thinking I said, I was in. This was end of August in 2023. We had formed this WhatsApp group and at first we were sharing all our menus for every meal and weighing in on Mondays. This group worked for a while but, then some people started not reporting, self-sabotaging themselves and discouraging the rest of us. So, 5 of us decided to form a new group and stick with it.

This group has helped tremendously because, I am competitive and also, I do not like to bee seen as a failure by others. I know, it is petty but, that's how I am wired. By the end of 2023 I had done really well, turned my health around and the doctors were pleased.

The group disintegrated by early January. The youngest lady in the group reached her target, I was the second best and the rest yoyoed due to personal issues.

When I was left to my own devices in 2024, I have lost about 14 pounds during the whole year. My mojo was nowhere to be found. Yet, I kept my eating in check, kept using the app to count calories most days and at least not gain weight. Plateau big time.

In November last year, I decided to start seeing a dietician but that was also the time when Uncle came to visit me for over a month so, I really could not keep myself in check very well. I went to see an orthopedist regarding my plantar fasciitis problems but, he found out that my knees were in bad shape. It turned out that I will need a knee replacement surgery in a few years. He gave me some exercises to strengthen my muscles. 

This devastated me for a couple of weeks. The fact that I was getting old hit me big time. I still want to travel, walk thousands of steps and see new places. How was I gonna do that? However, this also was a big wake up call to go back to being serious about weight loss.

I have decided to visualize my progress and that was the best decision. I will show you my Excel sheet below. The numbers are in kgs. This motivates me a ton, because I can clearly see how much I have accomplished and how much more I can push myself.

The light blue section is normal weight for me. Yellow signifies being overweight. The orange sections are levels of obesity. You can see that, I was morbidly obese when I started. However, now I am only three kgs. away from being just obese (Class I). This is about 7 more pounds. Seeing the huge dark orange section I was able to cross out is the best thing I look at every day.

I do not know how much more I can safely and realistically lose but, getting to even the lower end of Class I obesity will be huge. 

Just wanted to write about all this. Hope, everyone is doing fine. As the Spring approaches, let's get excited about what we would like to accomplish this year. Peace!

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Happy New Year Everyone!

Wishing everyone a great 2025 with health, happiness, love and peace!

I have been MIA for a long time. I do not know if I will be back with regular posting but, here I am now.

Thanks to Farah, who reached out to me and wished me a Happy New Year. Since she said she missed my posts, I promised her to post what I have been up to and here it is.

In September my sister and I went to the US for a month to celebrate her retirement. She left her husband home since he didn't want to be too far from his dad, who is not doing so great. 

We rented a car at the airport and had it all through our trip. It was so convenient. SIS even took off on her own once to meet with an old friend of hers and several times to do shopping when I felt like not going. We did a lot of shopping needless to say. 

We stayed with my BFF mostly. We also went to visit some old friends who now live in South Carolina. They will be welcoming a grandson in February so, we brought some gifts for the baby. A friend of mine even sent them a handmade baby blanket and the cutest little cardigan ever. The funny thing is, my friends do not know each other at all. They never met. I am the only common denominator. It was such a kind gesture.

We saw my sister's favorite show Sunset Boulevard and it was truly amazing. We also saw the ballet, Coppelia which I love but, except for the two lead dancers, it was not that great. 

I had been to the One World Trade Center before, but, we went again so that SIS could see it too. 

All in all, it was an awesome visit.

My Stray Kids will be performing in NY in June and yes, I am going. I already bought my ticket. Asked SIS if she wanted to come along and she said yes to another US visit, no to the concert. That's OK. This time, I have a seat so, no standing crazy hours.

I have been studying Korean for a while now and I would like to visit Korea for about a month in the Fall. I also would like to go visit Japan while I am there. SIS initially wanted to go with me but then, decided not to. I guess she doesn't want to spend so much money on travel without her husband. I understand that.

So, my word this year is TRAVEL. I realized that, I am going to be 60 in a couple of years and I want to travel as much as possible while I still can. I have also noticed that time goes by faster than it used to. 

I also started seeing a dietician. I have lost a total of 55 lbs by myself but, I have been stuck for quiet a while and I need someone to keep me in check. Need to lose about 30 more lbs. Actually much more but, that, in my opinion is enough. 

Here is a cute Christmas song from my nephews I never had:

Hope you like it as much as I did. They have done great in 2024. They even broke a 69 year Billboard Record. According to Billboard "Stray Kids became the first act to debut at No.1 on the Billboard 200 albums chart with their first six chart entries". I am such a proud STAY. Lol!