About Me

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Goals 2013

I was very hesitant to establish financial goals this year because of the irregular income stream I have to deal with for the first time in my life but, I did it anyway. I just kept the consultancy income estimate at a very modest level and found out that, it may be a tight year. I am glad that I sat down to make these calculations because, honestly I was not thinking it would be tight at all. It always pays to do the math I guess. Of course, the consultancy income may be more than what I estimated but, that is not something I will count on.

So, here are my goals:

1. Contribute the maximum to retirement that will be matched by the Government by 25% from Feb.13-Dec.13.
2. Have a mini vacation with Mom.
3.Have a vacation with friends from the US if they can make it to Turkey this year. (This may be a little on the expensive side but, I am thinking of ways to make it affordable already).
4. Have the apartment painted.(Not a big ticket item).
5. Keep on paying the rental apartment debt.

I had posted that I would work on Thursday and Friday and was  very happy about that. Unfortunately, the Customer postponed the scheduled visit. No big deal but still...

1 comment:

  1. I agree it does pay to establish goals and be modest when doing it, in case things happen.

    Good luck with all your 2013 goals I am sure you will achieve them.

    Gill in Canada
