About Me

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Guess who is Santa's wife? Well, you could never guess...

As a family we made a decision that we no longer want to give gifts for special occassions since, it is such a hassle and everybody has everything that they want so, gifts are totally unnecessary. I do not agree with this but I went with the majority's vote. I like receiving and giving gifts.

So, last year I decided that I wanted to buy gifts for the children of our security guards, gardener, secretary and our office boy for the New Year.

We are not Christian so, we do not celebrate Christmas but somehow Santa or rather "Noel Baba" (Father Noel) in our case brings gifts to the children for the New Year on 31st of January. Many people reject and frown upon this idea and do not even celebrate the New Year thinking that it is a Christian thing but I disagree. Besides, I love Christmas and all the festivities.

We even decorate a tree at our office.

Anyway, I bought gifts for all the children during my lunch break and coming back to the office put the gift for the 4 year old son of our secretary under the tree him without seeing it. He was at the office that day because the nanny was sick.

I then pretended that I was talking to Noel Baba on the phone and asked his mother if there was a little boy named let's say Jim around here and when she confirmed that it was her son, I said: Yes Noel Baba, he is here at the office right now. A gift for him under the tree? Yes, yes sure, I will tell him. Thank You! Bye!"

I told the little guy that Noel Baba left a gift for him under our office tree. Since he has a 9 year old brother, he was not very sure if there actually was a Noel Baba. I pulled up a picture of an American friend of mine posted on Facebook. He had dressed as Santa one year for a charity organization. I told him, Noel baba was my special friend. Well, I am serious, I am his mother's boss so, I must be telling the truth right? He totally bought it! :)

Our secretary told me today that he was talking to his cousin over the weekend about Noel Baba and the little girl her age was completely rejecting the idea that there was such a person. Our secretary heard her son saying to his cousin: "No! You are so wrong. There is Aunt T'Pol at my mother's work and she is Noel Baba's wife. She showed me his picture!"

He got his facts a bit jumbled but I got such a kick out of the story that I am still smiling as I type this.


  1. This is one of those cases where I am really lol. If anyone were here, I would be questioned about why I am laughing. I cannot stop! I don't think Santa or our American Christmas has much to do with Christianity! I love to give and get gifts. I also love to talk up Santa to little children. I had so much fun with my own children. Good for you for bringing a bit of magic. So, now you will always be known as Santa's wife. Soooo funny.

  2. That's a brilliant idea! Why people insist on bursting magic bubbles like that, I have no idea. I think it's a wonderful thing to encourage kids' imaginations like that. What a sweet gesture to make for a kid! xx
