Ever since I have got my driver’s license in March 1987, I have been driving. So, being without a car is a new and somewhat painful experience for me.
For the last 10 years, I always drove a company car and after I quit my most recent job, I decided not to buy a car for a number of reasons:
1. I am obese and I need exercise… Lots of exercise.
2. I live in a part of Istanbul where public transportation is quiet good.
3. Being a frugal person, I like to avoid the costs associated with owning a vehicle at least for a while.
I am sure, I will want a vehicle in the summer for a vacation. My uncle has a 9 year old Honda Civic which needs a little bit attention and fixing. I might be able to borrow that car since he drives another vehicle he owns.
Anyway, ever since I am carless (is this a word?) I had to walk to my dietician. I walked briskly for 30 minutes from my apartment to the hospital where my dietician works. She told me to walk a lot slower because, she does not want me to injure myself. I am quiet heavy.
On the way back, I took a “dolmus” (read dolmush) which is a minibus for public transportation. You can only pay in cash on a dolmus and usually the drivers are nuts and they allow you to stand if the vehicle is full which is something they really should not do. It is extremely dangerous given the traffic in Istanbul and also a traffic violation. The one I took had empty seats and that’s why I took it. I usually avoid this type of transportation. However, it was only 75 kurus which is three quarters of a Turkish Lira (less than 50 cents US) so it was well worth it.
Today I needed to do some grocery shopping and although there is a small one right by my apartment, I wanted to go to another. This grocery store has a free shuttle service from where I live so that cost me nothing. The distance? Well, if I wanted to walk there, it would probably take 50-60 minutes. Since I need to walk to and from the bus-stop, I tried not to buy too much stuff which would be very heavy.
I walked for over an hour today and this is quiet good but I will still get on my stationary bike for at least 20 minutes before dinner. I have to make sure, this free time that I have now is well spent.