About Me

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

C-Level Titles

I have been working for over 28 years now and I just cannot keep myself from laughing at certain people who are so hung-up on their titles. They totally miss the fact that, they have no power whatsoever despite the flashy title. They could be called anything but, there is little they can influence. Yet they still want "that" title.

Once a sales person had told me she only dealt with C-Level Executives and that she could not get any decision taken by others. I know that is not entirely true. If a sales person does not get the buy-in of certain people at an organization, her/his project is doomed despite the C-Level push.

Having sad that, I must admit I am a Chief Operations Officer. I live with it.

I recently came up with some C-Level titles of my own and just wanted to share them with the few who read my blog.

Here we go:

CRHO: Chief Raising Havoc Officer: This is a person who constantly creates confusion and disruption at the office. Even the stupidest unimportant thing becomes an issue that must be discussed.

CCO: Chief Complaining Officer: This person can never be happy. Everything and anything is a reason for complaint. Nothing is ever their fault so that they can complain all the time.

CSAO: Chief Smart-Assed Officer: Well, self explanatory I guess. In some companies they may be named CKIAO: Chief Know-It-All Officer

Gotta go and resume my COO duties now. Have a fun day!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Long weekend

May 19th is a National Holiday. So, we told the employees to work at home Friday. While I was home, I did a couple of loads of laundry and picked up clutter.

Friday evening I went out with a couple of friends for beer and came home around 10:30.

Saturday was a lazy day. I mastered making latte at home with a stove top espresso maker from IKEA and a battery operated hand held milk frother from Tchibo.

I went out and did a little grocery shopping. The grocery store had a campaign so I was able to snatch 3 1 liter bottles of extra virgin olive oil at a great price. I will give them to mom.

I am not cooking anymore other than weekends. There is a food service which delivers a 2000 calorie, diabetic menu for the whole day to my office. Since I get home very late at night, it makes more sense for me to have dinners at the office. We have a fully equipped kitchen.

I am not diabetic but I need more protein than carbs so I order the diabetic menu. They deliver breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. It is a bit expensive than what food normally would cost me if I cooked everything from scratch but I never do that. Besides, I am not throwing away food that goes bad. Hopefully this will help my diet if I do not blow it over the weekend.

Mom went to Izmir to stay with SIS and BIL for a while. This year she feels she is getting old so, she declined my offer of a Northern Italy trip. She doesn't feel up to it. I do not know what to do for a vacation.

May be I will take a week on the Mediterranean early October. I cannot stand the heat before then. Late July I may take a couple of days off to spend in Izmir. I can go to the beach during the day and stay at my sister's.

We'll see...

Friday, May 20, 2016

I'm Alive and Well

Yes, I am alive and well and very very very busy. That is part of the reason why I lost my mojo to write.

I have been to Las Vegas for a week early May on business. I had a couple of days of for myself. I was able to shop for summer work clothes and I am happy about that.

Life is extremely busy and there is not much to tell other than that.

My spending has been a bit out of control lately so I have started to watch it intensely.

My boss is trying to sell the company. He is telling me I will keep my job since he will not be completely gone. Also also he is going to be relocating to the US for good by the end of the year so that is why whoever buys it will need me to run the business. He is going to try to be still in the picture from afar. I am thinking he may be too optimistic about this so, I better tighten my belt and save as much as I can.

Even if he doesn't sell, he will still relocate to the US leaving me in charge. God knows what is awaiting me in the long run.

So, I sat down and crunched some numbers. I need to work until June 2018 at my current salary level to be able to retire fully. By then, I will have enough savings to lead a comfortable yet modest life.

If I manage to work until the end of 2019, That will be much better.

The best scenario is to retire in 2023 when I am 56. That will be truly worry free unless something really drastic happens.

As you may know I am already retired and this is my second career but with my current retirement income, plus rental income it is a tight ship.

We will see what future brings...