About Me

Monday, March 27, 2023

Life goes on

As the whole country was shocked and terrified by the strong earthquakes that destroyed a huge area (imagine an area from NYC to Charlotte, NC), it was hard to live normally let alone write about it.

The first few weeks, I lived in true horror and could not sleep, could not function properly at all. I felt so helpless as I watched the news about the survivors, their problems and the stupid government's incompetence. I wanted to contribute as much as I could but, when you do not trust anybody, it is very hard. And as suspected, some of the money they collected cannot be accounted for. They are evil. 

There will be elections on May 14th and I am hoping to get rid of these idiots. Otherwise, we shall be doomed. Especially women and children. The current government is teaming up with fundemantalist Islamists and some of them are no better than Taliban. 

I volunteered to work during the elections so, the ballot boxes can be protected and vote counting will be properly done. There afre many volunteers like I am and we want to make sure democracy prevails.

Another stress factor for me lately was the fact that, Istanbul is also in line for a major earthquake that repeats itself every 250 years or so and time has long been up. I panicked about this and started thinking of ways to immediately move to Ankara. I already have insomnia problems and the added stress was just too much to deal with. 

After a while, I started to feel better and think somewhat rationally but, a surprising incident helped me tremendously, to gather my thoughts and plan the future. I will write about that in my next post. 

Wishing everyone a great week.


  1. So glad to hear from you and so sorry the stress is relentless. Unless you have personally experienced something like this it is hard to comprehend all the unsettling ways it impacts daily life. I hope your sister, BIL, and Uncle are managing. I think surviving is the goal until time and circumstances allow for thriving. Hang in there!

  2. I am so happy to hear from you, how I missed you!. I am glad you are doing better. I am so proud of my country man who were there to help on the same day that it happened. They were able to save many lives in the first 24 hours. The money was probably diverted by those religious evils. I can’t stand the hypocrisy. How about those greedy construction companies?The only thing you can do now is make sure your building is safe. Stay safe. Big hugs.

  3. I am glad you're ok. I think processing major events takes time, and I am curious to see what the surprising incident was.

  4. Glad to hear from you. Looking forward to hearing the rest of your story.
