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Thursday, March 7, 2019

Interesting Stats about a Few Countries

As I was replying to a comment to JJ from Canada, I came across some interesting statistics so, I felt compelled to dig in further and prepared a summary below.

Population and Size of the Countries (per Wikipedia)

               Population Km.Square
Australia 25,279,500 7,692,024
Canada 37,242,571 9,984,670
Turkey 82,300,082 783,356
UK 66,040,229 242,495
USA 327,167,434 3,796,742

I did not know how small the population of Australia and Canada were, so, that was quiet amazing information for me.

Also, I did not know that the UK was more densely populated than Turkey.

How about the Currency Exchange rates? (per Central Bank of Turkey March 6, 2019)

1 Australia Dollar 3.77 TL
1 Canada Dollar 4.02 TL
1 UK Pounds Sterling 7.06 TL
1 USA Dollar 5.38 TL

Gas Prices (GlobalPetrolPrices.com) per LITER quoted in USD March 4, 2019

Australia 0.97 USD/lt.
Canada 0.93 USD/lt.
Turkey 1.23 USD/lt.
UK 1.54 USD/lt.
USA 0.72 USD/lt.

United Kingdom seems to be the most expensive but, the standard of living in Turkey and the UK are very different so, it is safe to say that we are using the most expensive gas in here.

And here is one amusing stat: Amount of tea consumption per person per year! (www.theatlantic.com)

Australia 1.65 lb/person
Canada 1.12 lb./person
Turkey 6.9 lb./person
UK 4.28 lb./person
USA 0.50 lb./person

As a tourist you can do very well in Turkey unless you rent a car and drive long distances. You can drink lots and lots of tea too:) I must admit I am not one of the people contributing much to the tea statistics. I doubt if I consume two pounds a year. I do drink more coffee. Probably four pounds a year.

What do you think of the statistics?


  1. How cool is this! Canada is indeed huge geographically, but much of the population is close to the borders of the provinces I think? (No one wants to live up north where it is extremely cold, but govt jobs out there pay sooo well!)

  2. Very interesting! I live in Canada, and didn't realize it was more than twice the size of the USA. I knew it was bigger, but didn't realize how much bigger!

  3. I had no idea of the population of Turkey! Wow, lots of people there. Yeah, lots of areas of Canada are sparsley populated. I drink more tea than the average Canadian, so many drink coffee here.

  4. I love stats like this! Thanks for sharing. Here's another Canadian one: 80% of the population lives within a 2-hour drive of the US border! I didn't realise that petrol was so expensive here - it just is what it is when I fill up, although I admit to being stumped why we fill up in litres and drive in miles! Bunch of weirdos. xx
