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Saturday, March 23, 2019

Productive and Fun Day! + Photos

Today, I went to get my lab tests done early in the morning. I was in and out within 15 minutes. Then I went to get breakfast at Starbucks. A latte and a small cheese sandwich was a welcome change.

Then I went to get veggies and a fruit. Got sugar snap peas, swiss chard, fresh fava beans, artichokes red beets and strawberries.

I pickled most of the red beets leaving two small ones to be shredded in a salad. I cooked the fresh fava beans with the artichokes and sauteed the swiss chard with onions. A handful of sugar snap peas were set aside for tonight's dinner. Rest was cooked with minced/chopped meat. In a few minutes, I will get up to make bulgur pilaf. Now, that is a lot of food but, tomorrow, the cleaning lady is coming. She comes in having had her breakfast at home and I serve lunch. Mostly, I ordered something but now that I am home and that I cook, I can serve her the same food that I made. After lunch, I will freeze what I think I cannot consume within 2-3 days. I have already frozen the swiss chard in two portion size containers.

I had stir fried sugar snap peas and broccoli with broiled Sea Bream for dinner. It did hit the spot. Here is a picture: (It is not a whole fish, just one side of it)

After I make the bulgur pilaf, I will set things in order in the kitchen so that, tomorrow it can be cleaned properly. That is why I proceesed most of the food I have on hand.

I felt very energetic today. I kept a Spotify list of 80's disco tunes on and had lots of fun as I cooked. Those songs were really cheerful. I am glad, I thought of that.

Here is a picture of the pickled red beets, artichokes and fresh fava beans, sauteed swiss chard:

Here are a couple of pictures of my kitchen.


  1. You got a lot done! Your kitchen looks very nice.

  2. I love your little kitchen, very modern and well set up. It sounds like you had a great day - I suppose the best you can do is make slightly dull things (like pickling) more fun. 80s disco will definitely do it! It's a gorgeous Sunday here, with sunshine and two dozen ladybugs settled in my flatmate's room. Hopefully, they'll find their way outside today and into the beautiful spring weather. xx

    1. I am glad the weather is beautiful over there. Ladybugs are supposed to bring you good luck. Two dozen? That's a lot of good luck!

  3. Replies
    1. They look like wood but, they are not real wood. Real wood carpenters are hard to find and they are very expensive here.

  4. Very healthy eating! I love your kitchen. Do you have a little balcony on your apartment?

    1. Thank you! Yes, I have a little balcony closed with glass. When it is warm enough, I both work and have my meals there.
