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Sunday, March 31, 2019

Progress on my New Eating Plan

I do not want to jinx it but, I must say, I am doing pretty well with my eating plan. I always knew I had a problem with portion sizes rather than eating junk food and sweets. Now that I am measuring everything I put on my plate, I believe, I must have been eating like a monster. Especially when it comes to pasta, I was eating way too much. Well, now I don't eat any. I have insulin resistance and I am not supposed to eat any pasta, anything that has white flour, rice, potatoes etc. The only thing I am allowed is bulgur pilaf and only sparingly.

I could not go to my control appointment due to work. My next appointment with the dietician is going to be on April 10th or 11th. I should be able to weigh 12 pounds less. I think, 4-5 pounds of that must have been water retention, but still, it is great progress. I am almost down 9 pounds now.

Today, I had another two egg omelette with cheese and dillweed along with some cherry tomatoes. For lunch I had brussel sprouts, yogurt and two slices of organic whole wheat bread.

For a snack, I had coffee with milk and three dates. Dates are full of fiber and satisfy the need for something alongside coffee.

For dinner, I am having half a fillet of a sea bream with salad. The other half is for tomorrow. In the past I would have eaten the whole fish.

Now, I have to walk on the treadmill for a half hour and take a shower. I have some work to do before and after dinner.

I have two social gatherings this week; one lunch with ex-boss and office assistant and, dinner with old HS buddies. Both on the same day! Yikes! I have to survive eating out while on a diet or else, I will need to give up outings which would really be upsetting.


  1. Wow, excellent job on your 9 lb loss, that is huge! Two meals out in one day is scary but I am sure with your willpower you can do it.

    1. Thank you Cheapchick. It is not easy but I try to motivate myself.

  2. Way to go! You're an inspiration!

  3. well done you, I need to get back on the weight loss bandwagon!!
