About Me

Tuesday, April 2, 2019


As you know, now that I am trying to lose weight, exercise is an important part of my weight loss journey. I have been told to exercise 40-45 mnutes 3 times a week. So far, I was only able to get barely past 30 minutes on the treadmill.

I looked up some home walking videos and tried to do them last week.

Today, I have decided to challenge myself to a 3 mile walking workout by Leslie Sansone. It was a 46 minute program and boy was it hard! Even so, taking it easy with some movements but always keeping up with the pace, I did it! I wasn't expecting to finish it and thought of stopping 3-4 times but, held on to it.

I am so proud of myself. I know tomorrow, I will be a bit achy but, I think it is worth it.

So, now every other day, I will try to do this ecercise and in between do some stretching, use elastic bands and do some basic Tai-Chi moves. I think, YouTube is the best we site for this type of stuff.

I actually own some Leslie Sansone DVDs but, my DVD player is dead (confirmed today) and placed by the door to be taken to the re-cycling box on my way out of the building.

My laptop does not have a CD/DVD drive anymore. Buying an external one is an inexpensive option but, I am in no rush really.


  1. Some of those walking videos can be quite a workout. Good for you for finishing it!

  2. I love her videos. well done you on doing the 3 mile walk.

  3. Congrats! What a great achievement. I think the key is to keep moving, regardless of how fast or hard you're moving. It all helps and as your stamina increases, so will your workouts. It's great to have found something you enjoy, too, and fits you. So important, and so often the reason people drop exercise. Good luck! xx

    1. Very true! I wish I was one of those people who had made exercise always a priority starting at young ages.

  4. Just an idea but we hooked up an old laptop (battery died and is $200 so we decided to only use it with cord and removed battery) to the front of the treadmill. We watch Netflix on it while we walk on the treadmill - it has really extended how long we can go on it. Another option might be to break your walking up into pieces like 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes after lunch? You seem really committed to this - good for you

    1. That's a good idea indeed. I have a nice size tablet PC which rarely gets used. I can use that.
