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Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Phewww! I met my deadline!

I had to do some work at home on a project but being the queen of procrastination, I kept saying to myself "Gotta do the laundry", "Gotta hang the laundry", "May be I should put another load?", "the kitchen is a mess, I should put that in order", "These veggies need to be cooked" so on and so forth. Having to work until 3 a.m. in the morning the night before did not teach me a much needed lesson. So, I needed to give myself a pep talk and finally got my work done!

There are some types of work, I absolutely hate. Most of the stuff I do, I like but, working with strange templates? Not so much. That type of work is the curse of being a consultant. Lol!

I will be at a Customer's site all day tomorrow so I need my rest tonight.

On Friday, I want to take an inventory of my pantry, freezer and fridge to see if there is anything that must be consumed quickly. I think, I am stocked pretty well and do not need to grocery shopping at least till Monday.

I also need to move a little more too. If the weather is nice, may be I will go for a long walk by the sea on Friday. If not, treadmill will do.

I may be out for dinner on Saturday with three friends. Hope, we can make that happen.

Need to go and put my outfit together for tomorrow. I also should remember to drop the dry cleaning coming back home.

Time to relax now...


  1. If I work from home I procrastinate - not only about the office work but often about personal paperwork as well. Once I'm in an actual office I can work my way through things very quickly! I'm doing some temporary work at the moment and I'm enjoying getting out of the house and seeing people. It's a tough adjustment once you retire. Good luck.

    1. Yes Margie, I think, I function better at an office too. We have one of those shared offices and we can work in the general areas when we want to. It is very close to my home. When I am swamped with work, I will go there to work.
