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Thursday, April 27, 2023

Wacky Weather, Wacky Traffic

I had an appointment at UK's Visa Partner's Office today. My appointment was at 10:00 so, I left home at 7:50 thinking that despite the traffic, it was enough time. After all, more than 2 hours, right? Wrong! The traffic kept backing up like crazy. My arrival time moved on the app like this: 9:22-9:28-9:31-9:40-9:50...

Thankfully it was not a one-on-one appointment. I was late by 5 minutes but, it was a breeze to go through the procedures. I jumped in my car and came back home in 30 minutes!

I am so glad, I no longer have to commute for work anymore. What a blessing!

The weather has been very interesting lately. Some days, it starts with beautiful blue skies, nice warm weather, then all of a sudden thunder and lightning, buckets of water coming down and then rinse and repeat. During the last three days, it is constant rain. Early this morning, I saw a weather alert about possibility of extreme rain, hail and even snow on higher altitudes. Say what? It's almost May.

As I type this, I checked the weather report again and it is completely changed. Yes, there will be thunder showers but, it will be nice and warm in a few days. Somebody at the weather agency must be messing with our minds.

Next time somebody says global warming is fake, I will do this:


  1. We have had both unseasonably warm and cool days lately. Go figure!

  2. I don't know the distance involved but that trip sounds horrendous (although I'm glad you got your visa sorted out)! And I join you in being THRILLED never to have to do the home/work commute ever again!

  3. The same is happening here. Some days were almost summer like and now it’s cold as we enter May. Sending you good thoughts.

  4. Enjoyed the clip! Olivia

  5. Hi Tpol. I wish you and the Turkish people the best of luck for the coming elections. Let’s hope you get rid of the snake. Hugs and kisses.
