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Friday, July 19, 2019

Home Sweet Home!

I am back home in Istanbul. As soon as we got home, I opened the windows and the apartment got aired. It was really cool at night. After hot Izmir, my apartment is pure heaven. Istanbul is not cool at all but, not as hot as Izmir was. My apartment is in the shade due to many nice grown trees and I am sure, upper floors are warmer.

I missed reading my favorite blogs so, I have a lot of catching up to do.

We got home around 6 p.m. yesterday and I went shopping today. I did not buy any vegetables. Tomorrow, mom and I are going to the farmer's market. After tomorrow, we will be well stocked. I am planning to cook a lot of food and freeze them. Tonight we are having sea bass for dinner with a salad. I cannot believe half of the summer is over.


  1. Traveling is so much fun, but it's always great to be home again!

  2. Welcome home! Travel is nice, but there's nothing quite like your own bed in your own home. Shade is not overrated! xx

  3. I like shade from trees, like a little oasis. Welcome back. I like go away, but cannot wait to get back home to my own things, like bed!

  4. Some other ideas include yoga or meditation, cooking a favorite dish, working on a garden, or writing a journal or blog. The possibilities are endless. Use your imagination! blog
