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Friday, January 31, 2020

Weight and Exercise

The only downside of going  to the US for a vacation is the food for me. So, I was determined to watch what I ate and not gain weight during my fabuluous vacation. I did fine until Thanksgiving I think. Too many parties, more than usual drinking, less walking and too much food made me gain about 6 pounds between Thanksgiving and the New Year.

I love a good pizza and New York is the best place for it. I tried eating only one slice most of the time so, I have satisfied my pizza cravings without much damage.

I also love all those rich pasta dishes which I do not make or eat here in my own country. So, I decided to have pasta only at really good Italian places. Thus, I limited my consumption. Well this reminds me I must learn to make a good vodka sauce. I totally fell in love with that.

Other things that I miss and eat whenever I am in the US are, good burgers, Buffalo Wings, New England Clam Chowder, Lobster Rolls, cheesecake, cannolis and dumplings. I also love Dr. Pepper diet or not. I normally do not drink so much soda at home but I overdid that too:(

The good news is, I am back to my weight in August 2019 now! Yay! I did not do anything special for this. I am just eating the way I eat when I am home. I haven't been eating any sweets other than 70% cocoa chocolate. My uric acid level dropped back to the upper limit of the normal range which is great news.

I am going to start walking soon despite the cold weather. It is in the 30s and lower 40s here in Ankara but, it feels much colder than that. I will bundle up and just walk around the apartment complex that my mom now live in.

I feel good!


  1. Well done! I have the same issue when I travel, lots of wine and local foods including cheeses and breads. Oh well, when in Rome as they say

    1. Thanks Cheapchick! Good thing was, I was there for a long time so, I just spread out what I wanted to have.

  2. Sounds like you did well for such a long vacation. So...basically we eat a lot of fattening food here in the US! LOL.

    1. Yes you do:) but, I think you guys exercise more than I do. Or, you own homes where there is a lot of physical work. I normally do not carry pellets or firewood, shovel snow etc.

  3. You have done well! I haven't been walking much, but I shovel snow often.

    1. Shoveling is no easy task. Good exercise though:)
