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Friday, November 11, 2022

Sickness and Health

It has been a while since I have posted but life happened as usual and I lost my mojo a bit but, here I am now.

This is my day 3 in isolation of 7 days since my second COVID test came back positive. I have no sense of smell, I get tired easily and I have some nasal congestion but, other than those, I am OK. 

I took a COVID test the Monday before last and it came back negative. However, I lost my sense of smell the following Wednesday. I kept postponing a COVID test because I pretty much knew at that point that I had it. On my family's insistence, I took another COVID test and that came back positive as expected.

I am sorry since I have not been following blogs and writing answers to comments on my previous post. First few days, I was sick like I had a major bout of regular flu so, I slept a lot and just watched TV.

The apartment needs a good dusting, vacuuming and mopping but, I get tired easily and I do not feel like tackling that job. I took my Dyson out so that I can spot vacuum when I have to. 

I ordered groceries from two separate stores because none carried everything that I needed. However, I am still short on some things since, by the time they started filling my order, they were out of some stuff. Whatever, nothing I can't live without.

I hope, once the isolation period is over, I will test negative and my sense of smell will be back.

Wishing everyone a healthy and happy Holiday Season!


  1. Feel better T'Pol. To this point I am a super dodger when it comes to Covid. I hope I can keep that up. 8-)

    1. Thank you Sluggy. I hope you keep dodging the virus too.

  2. Oh no, I am sorry to hear it found you. Please rest, and give your body its nutrients and time to heal. You'll be able to clean later, just keep resting. Hoping you start to feel better soon.

    1. Thank you so much! I am resting and driinking lots of water.

  3. So sorry to hear you have IT! Losing your sense of smell must make eating a challenge. Hope you feel better quickly.

    1. Thank you Juhli. You are right, eating is no fun without taste and smell.

  4. Hope you’ll feel better soon. Now that you got it, you are safe for next 3 months. I was sick last week but tested negative for covid 3 times,

    1. Thank you Farah. I probably got this from a friend who had no symptoms.

  5. Sorry to hear you got Covid. Hope you soon feel better.

  6. Oh poor you! It is exhausting so I guess you have to pace yourself around that!! Here it's like covid central (although not me thankfully). Neighbours at no. 8 were very sick about a month ago. Husband at no. 6 has just gotten over it and the husband and no. 10 also! All 3 and 4 times vaxed so who knows what the hell is going on! Anyway, get well soon and blog when you can and want!

    1. Thank you so much. I think we have become a bit too lax about precautions lately.

  7. Feel better soon. We recently got the variant vaccine, but now I need to get my flu shot! I'm continuing to mask up when out and about (not many of us left but everywhere I go I hear people coughing).

    1. Thank you Bobbie. I still mask up too but you're right. Most people are not wearing masks anymore.

  8. I apologise for my erratic responses to your posts. My only excuse is that my own life has been mad. I'm sending you and my beloved Turkey all my love following the heinous attack on Istanbul today.

    Heloise xxx

    1. Thank you so much Heloise. Mad people are everywhere I guess. So sad that innocent people got hurt.

  9. Hey - thinking of you today when I saw about the explosion in Istanbul - praying you are safe. Please let us know!

    1. Thank you Susie Q. I am safe but innocent people including young kids lost their lives or got hurt. So sad.

  10. I just heard about the bomb in Istanbul, stay safe! Treaders
