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Thursday, November 24, 2022

What to Cook? Name a Dish!

As I was growing up, I remember grandma and mom sometimes racking their brains as to what to cook each and every day. They used to tell us, "just name a dish and we'll make it but, for the life of me I cannot come up with what to make". For us, it sounded like they were making a big deal of something miniscule. 

While I was working full time, I would eat out most of the time and cooking was just a hobby which pleased me.

First, due to the pandemic and nowadays, due to the crazy inflation rate over here in this country, eating out has become more of a treat than a normal thing.

I like to cook and I had been making and enjoying a good variety of food from scratch until very recently.

Lately, I have been having difficulty to name what to make for lunch and dinner. I made a dent in the freezer meals last week but, then I found myself having the same conundrum as my mom and grandma.: Name a dish! I feel stuck. Where is my muse?

Yesterday, I honestly couldn't decide on what to get for protein. The cuts of meat at the store that I went to did not appeal to me. 

I recently ate all the frozen roast chicken that I had made few weeks ago. Had meat patties I made while I was sick. 

I have two avocados and some string beans in my fridge. Fajitas may be? Grean bean casserole and chicken?  I can soak chick peas to add to my salads. 

I think I must get some meat tomorrow. And fish too. 



  1. My mother used to beg us to give her ideas, too! I've done the same with my family...

    Allrecipes.com has a feature where you can put in your ingredients and then search for recipes, if you need some inspiration.

    1. Thank you for the Allrecipes tip Bobbie. I will check it out.

  2. My mom always used to say that what she liked best about Christmas was never having to decide what to cook! Good luck, if you get any inspiration let me know!

    1. I ended up buying steaks and fish (bonitos and bluefish). Tonight's dinner was fajita without tortillas. I cook the fish in the oven and have it with salad. Easiest thing that I could come up with. I also made a string bean casserole.
