About Me

Friday, December 30, 2022


My BIL called this morning to tell me that my SIS was very sick and sleeping at home so, our New Year plans are off. They are not coming. I am truly upset but, what can be done?

Later in the day, I talked to my SIS. She had to go to work because being a branch manager of a bank, that's what she needed to do on the last day of the year.

From what she described, I think, she has COVID. Her symptoms are exactly like mine. I hope, she recovers quickly. She is not supposed to take any meds due to her liver condition except for parasetamol/acetominophen. She can take one if her fever is too high.

Uncle and I decided to forgo some of the dishes on our menu.



  1. Oh, that is disappointing. I hope she recovers soon and you all can get together soon and celebrate at a later date.

  2. Thank you. Hope she recovers fast too. Happy New Year!

  3. Hope everyone feels better soon! My husband missed Christmas last year due to COVID, and it was really sad for us. But, this year was better than ever, since he was back in action. It made it even more fun this year, since we'd missed him last time.

    Happy New Year!

  4. Oh no, that's a shame. I am guessing you are allowed to go to work with Covid nowadays? I had my 3rd booster yesterday.

    1. She is not positive. COVID is my guess at this point since her symptoms are so much like mine when I had COVID. Besides, last day of the year requires certain authorizations she has to give and they are not allowed to work remotely. Good thing that you got your booster.

  5. I am so sorry. I know you were looking forward to the celebration

    1. Yes I was. I am also worried about her health now.

  6. Sorry about your sister. Wish her a quick recovery. I got Covid for the first time on my Birthday, December 19, and missed Christmas with my daughters. Since I tested negative 2 days ago, I am here in DC with my daughters to celebrate New year. Happy New year to you and your family. Wish you a long, happy and healthy lives.

    1. I am glad you've recovered quickly Farah. Happy New Year to you and your family!

  7. Oh my, I do hope your sister gets well soon. It's a shame about the new year's celebrations but there's not much you can do about it, is there. I hope you have a good time with your uncle all the same and wish you a happy new year!

    1. Thank you! Happy New Year to you and your family!
