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Thursday, July 19, 2018

How many pairs of socks does one need?

My sock drawer is so full that I have difficulty closing it. It looks like socks are coming out of my ears. How did that even happen? I have to sit down and put that in order. It is driving me insane.

Why do people do this to themselves? Honestly how many pairs of socks are enough?

I also found that I have way more nightgowns and pajamas than I need. I always keep a couple unworn ones just in case I need to be in a hospital. Other than that, how many do I really need? There are two drawers full of them. Yikes!

Every time I sort through them, I end up keeping most because they are broken in and comfortable. I must confess I still wear a couple with holes in them. So, the new rule is: If one does not go away, another one is not coming in.

I do need to check out all my clothing items and donate and get rid of all that I do not need. Someone else may be in need of them and it is not right to keep them.


  1. Nightgowns--if I have too many, I plan on living long enough to need them. Why get rid of them? Just quit buying unless you find a cute one.

    Socks? You can use those for dust rags if you don't wear them. Why throw them out or donate and just have to buy something with which to dust?

    All my clothes are relegated to a lower status as they are worn out or just not for me. I wear things around the house or cut up for rags if they are too far gone. I change my clothes when I get home.

    1. Linda, even if I life up to be 90, those sockes can last for dust rags. Lol! I change my clothes as soon as I get home too.
