About Me

Thursday, August 9, 2018

The Barbecue

Last night we had a barbecue in the garden at work and they gifted me a very pretty amethyst and gold necklace as a going away gift. Our old offce assistant came too and we stayed until late at night. It was really nice.

The weather was nice with a cool breeze so, it was very comfortable outside. All day it was really hot and humid.

I have 6 more work days to go if you do not count this one. I never thought, time would fly by so fast.

My packing list for the US vacation is almost done. I need to go shopping for gifts on the 18th. I have to exchange one gift I got for my friend's daughter.

I do not have much else to do. This weekend will be somewhat busy, taking my mom home and doing the rest of her shopping. Last weekend we shopped for durable items and this week she will need groceries. On Monday, I will come back to an empty home. She had been with me for the last three months or so. It will be strange.


  1. Well, it looks like things are moving, not only swiftly, but smoothly for you. I am glad the weather was conducive to a pleasant evening. I didn't realize your mother had been with you for three months. Did you give the office their gift? Or will that be for the last day?

  2. I gave them the gift yesterday. They were surprised and like you said, they said it was the first time someone leaving gave them a gift.

  3. Sounds like a nice going away party and gift.
