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Thursday, July 30, 2020

Don't fix it, if it ain't broken!

Words of wisdom. I do not know why Blogger decided to change things while it worked perfectly fine but, they did what they did so, I will adapt. Sigh...

I am back in Ankara expecting my SIS and BIL to show up. They have left Izmir late and they still have another hour and a half to go on the road.

It is a long weekend and the refrigerators (yes there are two, mom's and sister's) are almost empty. My sister told me not to shop for anything because the long weekend is not as long and she wants to spend time with her in-laws and friends I guess.

So, I just bought a pack of chicken breasts, 5 tomatoes, 5 cucumbers, 3 onions and a head of iceberg. I ate some grilled chicken and a salad today. We'll see what happens tomorrow. Most likely they will get up late and rush to her in-laws. 

I am going to see two of my childhood friends on Saturday. We were raised in the same neighborhood, our families were friends and our dads were colleagues. Older friends become closer as I age.

It is so damn hot in this city. Or may be, it is the apartment but, I swear, I am melting away. Can't wait for the Fall. This has been the worst and the strangest year of my life and I hope, the ones on their way do not turn out to be any worse. 

It is time for yet another episode of Star Trek Voyager. I like to think myself a part of the crew, thousands of lightyears away from the Earth.


  1. How far of a drive is it for you from Istanbul to Ankara? What is the population there in Ankara? No air conditioning in the apartment? (sorry, I'm just a curious kind of gal!) Enjoy your time with your friends! I feel the same - get closer with older friends (ones from my past) as I age.

    1. Hi Susie Q! I am a curious person too :) It takes me four and a half hours unless there is a problem on the road. Ankara is the Capital City and has a population of five and a half million. Istanbul has a population of fifteen and a half million. I have never needed A/C in my apartment in Istanbul. The apartment in Ankara is about twice the size of mine and it gets a lot of sun. It could definitely use A/C. Lol!

  2. Those are large cities. I can't imagine what the traffic must be like. I hope it cools down for you.

    1. Traffic in Istanbul is practically sent over from Hell. I had to rent a small studio across the bridge to get to my last workplace. Otherwise I would be mostly sitting in traffic for about three hours every day. Every freaking hour is rush hour.

  3. I kind of agree about the broke/fix it conundrum. All I can ask is WHY?
    No a/c? I would be like the witch in the wizard of oz and just melt into a glob of goo!

    1. I think you guys are much more used to having a/c for many years. It has become a thing over here probably about 25 years or so. Apartments do not usually come with them. Well, the newer ones do. You have to buy and install your own which I never needed. I still don't at my own place. My sister and my uncle on the other hand cannot do without a/c where they live. So, they both have a/cs.
