About Me

Friday, July 17, 2020

Progress rather slow...

Frequent readers may know that I had been trying to put my apartment in order for about a month now. I am as fast as a sloth when it comes to doing house chores.

I was overwhelmed by things scattered around all over the place, sewing stuff on my dinner table, all sorts of things I have brought back from Ankara, loads and loads of laundry and oh! the DUST! Everyday, I said to myself: "How am I gonna get this mess in order?"

Well, today I realized that it doesn't look so bad anymore since I have been taking a few things at a time and putting them where they belong. It looks like the living room room can be cleaned tomorrow after a short trip to the farmers market early in the morning. 

I am planning to take down the curtains and dust, wash the windows and deep clean. It certainly looks doable but, we'll see if this sloth will have the stamina to do it.

Here is what makes me want to cry: Back rooms need cleaning again. Thankfully, just dusting and vacuuming will suffice.

Next up are the kitchen, the balcony and the entrance. 

The bigger chores are waiting for me in the closets. I have not been able to take them down yet. It is just another overwhelming chore. I need to get rid of many pairs of shoes. I wore a pair yesterday and remembered they hurt my feet. So, that pair is already set aside. 

This pandemic and the time I spent in Ankara due to mom's sickness taught me how little I actually need. However, whenever I start to set things aside to give away, I tell myself: "Well, if I give all these away, I am sure I will need to go buy new stuff. These are in perfect condition. Why not keep them? So, let me hold on to these. Besides, what if I lose weight?, What if I gain weight?" and put the things back in my closets. It is very difficult with outerwear. I like everything that I own and even if I wear a coat once or twice in a year, I like to keep that. Oh, well...

I would like to buy fresh veggies and fruit tomorrow. If I go early enough, I am hoping the farmers market will not be crowded. 

Here is an image of yours truly:
Image By Ralf Designs by Pixabay


  1. Years ago I remember reading a tip to set your timer for say 15 minutes and just get started working on something you've been putting off. Usually after the time is up, you are motivated to keep working on it a bit longer.

    1. I heard about that too and try it usually but once I sit down, I get glued to my chair.

  2. My daughters loved setting a timer for 15 minutes to clean their rooms, and it worked well for them.

    1. It sometimes works with me too but, not always :)

  3. That 15 minute timer sounds like something Fly Lady advocates. It didn't help me as her emails drove me nuts, but I find setting my phone timer for 1 hour often really helps. And I know what you mean about not throwing clothes away. I have some lovely stuff but (a) I no longer go out to work and (b) menopause means I would now look better wearing a tent!

    1. The 15 minute thing sometimes works, other times not. I never expected it would be this difficult to ditch work clothes. However, I am determined. One of these days... With all the yard work and long hikes, I don't think you would wear a tent. Be kinder to my fellow blogger friend please!
