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Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Stupid Weather App

I have seen dark clouds outside and checked the default app. No warnings, no clouds, no rain, clear blue skies and nice warm temps. Yeah right!!!?? I heard this weird noise from the outside and before I could realize,  huge hailstones came down from the sky and all I could think was "Oh F...! My car!" I had to wait of course because, I figured my head is a bit more precious than my car.

I ran out when I could and checked my car. There are 4-5 dents which I hope can be fixed easily. Also, I will probably end up using this car till it falls apart. So, it is OK. With the current taxes, it is no longer possible to buy a new car anymore, anyway.

A car with a 2.0 engine which has a base price of TL 170,000 is sold at TL 650,000 How do you like that? Would you pay USD 83,300 (total cost of ownership) for a car which is only USD 21,800 (without any taxes)? 

Oh and BTW, that sort of car is considered a luxury car here which is probably a mid-level car in the US. I understand there should be taxes but, 382%? 

As a country we are getting poorer and poorer. Here are the excange rates over time

                   July 2008...............     September 2017    September 2018    September 2019

USD 1           1.16 TL                         3.55 TL                 5.99 TL                    7.82 TL

Euro 1           1.81 TL                         4.19 TL                  6.95 TL                   9.15 TL

Great job in 12 years! I do not think this country ever saw a worse government than this one.

I was writing about the inaccurate weather app and the hail storm right? Ugh... How did I get here?


  1. oh, that's too bad about your car! and wow! that is insane amount of tax. Hope your car lasts a good long while.

  2. Wow those car taxes are insane. I visited a former colleague who now lives in Cuba and they have the same problems buying a car! And I also know what you mean about exchange rates, what with getting a Swiss franc pension and living in France. When we first met my ex was paid in US$ - which was worth $1/SF 2.50 at the time. So $1,000 would buy him SF 2,500. Now it's down to $1 = SF 0.97, so he would only get SF 970 for his $1,000. Exchange rate fluctuations/manipulations can destroy you can't they!

    1. The economy is tanking over here for sure. And yes the car taxes are absolutely insane.

  3. So sorry about the hail damage to your car.
    I keep a car until there is nothing left to trade in. I am looking at buying a new to me car in October, but it will not be a new car. I let someone else take hit for the initial depreciation first.

    1. Actually I have been very lucky since I did not have to buy cars for a good 20+ years. I always drove company cars so, I really should not complain. I bought this car at 10,000 km. I agree upon the depreciation factor.
