About Me

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

I'm back home! YAY!

First of all, here is a note for Heloise who will be traveling to Turkey soon: If you email me at tpolthetrekkie@yahoo.com, I will share my real name and phone number with you. In case you are in Istanbul, I would love to meet in person. If not, you may keep my phone number handy just in case. Safe travels!

Another note for Treaders: I cannot see you blog anymore. It says, invitation only. If you have decided to take a break or stop blogging, I respect your decision but, I will miss your posts.... A lot! Take care and be well!

I am so glad to be home. Promise to write, share more photos and catch up with your blogs asap!


  1. Looking forward to hearing about your travels! My husband and I went to New York City on Saturday (only a 2.5 hour drive for us) and it made us miss traveling even more!

    1. I understand how you feel. We have been home for so long, we all missed travel and other normal activities. BTW, NYC is my favorite spot in the world. I used tp visit almost every year but darn COVID! May be next year.

  2. Welcome home! I miss Treaders posts, too. She had a friend "out" her blog, which of course ticked her off!

    1. Thank you! I understand Treaders. What a friend ha?

    2. With friends like that you needs enemies. That boggles my mind! Yes I miss the blog and would use my email for be allowed back?

  3. Oh what a sweetheart you are! As One Family said, I had wanted to keep my blog "on the quiet" in real life but a couple of friends badgered me to let them read it (one friend has read it from start to finish). Then the Dutchman had drinks with P and the next day he wanted to read my blog too so I knew P had blabbed and I was FURIOUS, although I should have known better, to be honest! Since I talk about the Dutchman (and always nicely) I didn't want him to read my blog as who knows what he would think. Anyway, I've gotten over myself now and plan to get back to blogging in the next couple of days because I realize how much it clears my head, to be honest. So "speak soon" and welcome home!

    1. I am so glad that, you plan to be back soon. I try not to even mention my blog to my friends. Sometimes, it slips but so far, I have managed to not give away the name of the blog. That is the only reason I use a nickname.

  4. Welcome home! I can't wait to hear all about the trip!

    1. Thank you Anne!. Just posted my first set of pictures.
