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Sunday, May 1, 2022

Just chilling

SIS and BIL arrived by dinner time yesterday. We ordered food for dinner. They brought some veggies and fruit. The strawberries and the green plums were awesome but, the loquats were too sour for me.

Today, we wanted to go to the cemetery but, it was so crowded that, we had to turn back. Tomorrow or the next day, I guess.

They went to see BIL's dad and I returned home to cook. I made snow peas, purslane and a cheese pie for dinner. Then I made a pudding for tomorrow.

I think, I will watch a movie tonight because SIS and BIL will be out with friends after dinner. I am thinking Avengers: Infinity War. 

We have two more days as a family and then they will go back home on the last day of the holiday. My cousin and I are leaving the day after. I need to re-organize my suitcase to put in my beach stuff. 

I have no plans till our trip to Antalya so, I'm just chilling.


  1. Aid Mubarak. Yummy pie! We celebrate tomorrow. I am going with some friends to a Lebanese restaurants.

    1. Aid Mubarak! Lebanese food sounds good. Enjoy!

  2. Love it - just chilling is the way to be!

  3. Marvel is always a good choice for a movie! :) You've been so busy - I'm envious of your purging but have been cheering you on from the sidelines. Such a great feeling to get rid of bits & pieces that you no longer need. A clear(er) space makes for a clear(er) mind. Enjoy your rest and visit with your sis & BIL. Hope you are able to get your visit to the cemetery in tomorrow xx

    1. The cemetery was as much crowded as it was yesterday but, BIL lost his mom just two months ago so, I insisted we should at least visit her. We managed to visit my folks too but, it took us more than 3 hours to go in and out.

  4. I hope you continue to have a wonderful visit with your sister and BIL as well as safe travels to the coast.

  5. What is cheese pie? Seems funny to hear "beach stuff" when it seemed like it was just snowy, haha. I'm ready for warmer weather to get here

    1. There is a video of a similar cheese pie in this post:https://frugalistanbul.blogspot.com/2022/04/ugh-prices-of-fresh-produce.html In the US, I had made it with the Greek phyllo dough using two-three at a time but the dough we have over here is easier to work with.

      I am going to the South of Turkey, to the Mediterrenean Sea but, it is still not exactly beach weather yet. I am a fan of cold water so, I don't really mind.
