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Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Plans Change

I am a planner of most things but, when it comes to meals, it is difficult to make plans and stick to them. So, the chicken pot pie and the bread never got made yet. I was hoping to make the pot pie today but, I have some leftover rice that needs to be eaten. I decided to have a vegetarian meal and soaked some green lentils. Thankfully, they do not need to be soaked overnight. 

Tomorrow night, I think, a big salad for dinner will suffice since, the salad greens need to be consumed. May be Thursday is a good day to make the pot pie and the bread. 

SIS and BIL's friend is doing better. I don't know when she is going to start the chemo. Must be soon I guess. 

Today, the management office sent our monthly bill and I was shocked to see my hot water line. It was seven times more than what I usually get. I immediately called them to have them check my meter again.  Of course, they made a mistake. I am glad, I check my bills carefully. 

Hope, you are having a good week.


  1. Wow good job you had them check that bill again eh? I wonder if you would have gotten your money back if you'd overpaid!

    1. They would not probably give me the money back but rather deduct it from the next one which would be OK.

  2. Glad the hot water bill was an error. 7 x larger is quite the mistake!

    1. Oh yes a huge mistake. I only take showers since I got rid of the bathtub in favor of a walk-in shower few years ago. There was no way I would have consumed so much water.

  3. I am happy to hear that your sister’s friend is doing better. I am not a menu planner, I usually get inspired by what I have on hand or what I find in the market. These days, I try to make easy dishes that don’t take too long. The really thing I abhor is the cleaning afterward. Have a good day Tpol.

    1. I am leaning towards easy meals too and I agree on the cleanup afterward.

  4. Good for you for checking your bills!
    I think meal plans are at best just ideas. Life gets in the way of them much too often!

    1. Very true. I like to have a well stocked pantry and freezer. That helps a lot.

  5. Glad you got the water bill straightened out. Now that we are on our own well, I sure don't miss having a monthly water/sewer bill.

    1. I can't imagine watering the garden on a metered service. Good thing that you have a well.
