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Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Love of Fish

Mom and I had grilled seabream for dinner tonight from the fishmonger downstairs. Commercial fishing season will be over by the start of April till September. So, it is time to eat lots of fresh fish and stock up.

I am going out for dinner with babyhood friends tomorrow night. Guess what we are having? Fish! I do not mind eating fish two days in a row.  Depending on what the restaurant has, I will probably go for smaller fish like grilled anchovies or sardines. They are very fishy and I love fishy fish.

While traveling abroad, I have seen that mostly the fish is served as a filet or in pieces. In my country seabram, seabass, bluefish, and such are served whole with the head and tail. They clean the insides of the fish and throw it on charcoal grill or in hot oil. It is a bit tricky to eat at a restaurant using your fork and knife trying to get rid of the bones and still being a civilized person. Lol! At home, I do use my hands, just do not tell anyone, OK? They will filet the fish if you like but, the norm is to serve it as a whole.

I also love smoked fish. Nothing beats a a piece of toast, cream cheese, few slices of an avocado and smoked salmon for breakfast. Avocados are pricey so, I only buy them when they are on sale.


  1. I've never been much of a fish eater. I think it goes back to when I was about 6 years old. My mom had a friend from UK visiting and we were having fish and she choked on a bone (she was ok) but years, every time I've had fish I'd chew it until it didn't taste good to make sure there were no bones in it. I have learned love salmon though and when we go to our nearby restaurant that's usually what I order.

    1. Even small traumas like that during childhood can have bigger impact later in life. I love salmon too. I usually buy the tail when I am buying it fresh. The fishmonger picks all the bones.

  2. I love fish also, but prefer to filet it.

  3. I'm not a big fish eater but I do love to get fish and chips from a beachside cafe when we visit seaside areas - it tastes so fresh compared to buying fish in the country areas.

  4. I think Americans have a "thing" about being served a fish dish with a head on it in a restaurant. lolz
    I love fish too but have never heard of/eaten sea bream unless it goes by another name here.

    1. I have looked it up and here is what I found: Sea Bream is common throughout the Mediterranean and is also found along the Eastern atlantic coasts, from the united Kingdom to the Canary Islands.
