About Me

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Lazy Sunday and a busy week ahead

I cannot believe there are only 11 days to go before the New Year. This has been the worst year of my life and I cannot wait for it to be gone. However, I am cautious about 2021. The pandemic is far from over and vaccinating billions of people will take a lot of time.

Today is my lazy day. So far, I did nothing and am planning to do not much except for a couple of loads of laundry. 

The week ahead is busy though. I have upcoming meetings next week because we are trying to fill two positions for a client as soon as possible. 

I also need to do grocery shopping and have my ID renewed. The ID appointment is tomorrow. We are obliged to have both an ID card and a driver's license. I like it the way it is in the US where your DL is your ID.

My apartment needs another deep cleaning some time soon. I will try to mentally get there first before I can take action.

There is a yummy salad calling my name in the kitchen. Gotta go!


  1. Even though I have a hard time accepting it myself, lazy days are not only good I think they are necessary for our mental health!
