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Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Tomorrow if the weather permits

A HS friend of mine called the other day to invite me to a socially distanced walk in the woods with her brother, her cousin and two other HS friends of ours tomorrow.

Haven't met the cousin and the brother before but, my High School friends are truly amazing, strong women. The one who called had been the CFO of a very large company for years before she retired. We never knew until someone else mentioned it. When asked, she used to say she worked for the Finance Department. 

One of them was a CFO of a major bank and the third one is a doctor. She is a Professor at a University Hospital and her specialty is Gastric Pathology. Unfortunately our doctor friend has found out that she had cancer in June and had been very depressed for a few months. Now, she is doing better and wants to get together again with friends which she had refused to do before. 

I am going to wake up early tomorrow and bake some savory snacks filled with feta cheese and parsley to bring.

I hope, the weather permits our walk. I am truly looking forward to this. Since all of us have been remaining home and avoiding people, a walk in the open air with masks on should be fine. 

The bank that my sister works for has sent home all the people with chronic diseases with pay. However, this does not include management so, my sister has to go to work. What are they thinking?  If the people at management positions ask for the same treatment, they had been told, they would have to be demoted. What idiots! Is this even legal? Noone knows for sure these days in this country. 

She assured me that she stays in her office and does not allow anyone in. She says she wears two masks and speaks to people from a distance. 

Stay safe everybody...


  1. That's a very strange way for your sister's bank to behave. Just weird! The good thing about not having everyone in the office though is (I found) that I got a lot done because of no interruptions!

    1. It is strange indeed. I am glad she keeps her distance from people.

  2. Getting together with friends is the best. Enjoy your walk.

  3. Your get together outing sound fun, I hope you get to do it! Your sister's bank sounds as dumb as my neighbors bank she works at as a teller. She's probably their oldest employee (she's 70) so what do they do? They put her out in the little enclosed area between outside doors and inside doors to direct the customers to the drive thru if possible. Sure put the most at risk aged person out there to be exposed to all the people trying to come in!

    1. So sorry for your neighbor. They should have sent her home with pay.
