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Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Guests came and went

I had a good time with my buddies during the last two days. It was a nice visit.

Today, I started laundry after they left. Other than putting the guest bed back together (it's a trundle bed) and doing laundry, I did not do much else. The cool days are over and the weather is hot now. I have been ignoring my walks lately due to the heat but, mornings are quiet manageable still. So, I am hoping to go walking tomorrow morning.

I have leftovers for tomorrow so, no cooking for me. However, I may want to tackle some clothing items and part with them. 

Nowadays, whenever I come across something that I do not need or use, I get rid of it immediately. It can be a small item, or a large one. Tackling bigger de-cluttering projects is all good but, if I find something that is not needed, why not get rid of it at once? The other day, I was initially happy to find two hair clips but, as soon as I tried putting them on, I realized that they are very uncomfortable and actually hurt my scalp. Tossed them right away. 

My friend has many hobbies and one of them is jewelry making. I gave her some items I no longer wear. She can use the beads and the hardware and etc. She will also fix a broken silver necklace I like a lot. I got rid of things that I do not use but, I know that they went to someone who will use them. 

Hope, everyone is having a good week. Take care!


  1. I love having company, but hate getting ready for guests (says something about my housekeeping skills) and hate the laundry once they leave.

    1. We are so much alike then. I also hate packing and unpacking followed by laundry after travel.

  2. Once I decide something has to go I usually want it gone immediately (so I won't change my mind I guess). I'll have to follow your lead because this place is getting me down it's so cluttered!

    1. I think out of sight, out of mind applies here too. It is too hot today to do serious organizing. I attacked an easier area. Towels and linens.

  3. I have to bring my laundry to the basement from the second floor. Not convenient at all specially as we age. Hugs

    1. So true. I guess living on a single level house would be ideal for people over 50. Since I live in an apartment, I have that luxury. I don't understand why they make duplex units in apartment buildings. I wouldn't buy one especially now that I am getting closer to 60.
