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Saturday, March 14, 2020

Interesting times... Who cursed us?

2020 started  with quite a few terrible things. For me, I found my mom very sick when I returned from my fab vacation, then there was the earthquake in the East and the talks about a big one hitting Istanbul soon . The refugee crisis, war with Syria, the Government meddling in Libya's business, sending troops over there upon the Libyan Government's request, alliance with the US going south, alliance with Russia ending up s..ing us, deaths of many young soldiers in Syria, the economy tanking, growing incompetence of the Government... And now the Corona Virus... Yikes!

Life goes on as usual but now, there are people panicking who make you second guess your own understanding of the matter. Is this virus real like the Bubonic Plague or is it just a part of a big game planned by nasty people to profit from this by causing terror and panic? I guess time will tell if we survive it.

I am trying to wash my hands more frequently, sanitize my belongings when I come home, eat and rest well and avoid crowds. Other than that, I just keep doing what I do normally. What else can we do anyway?

All this negativity and craziness in the world is probably due to ever diminishing resources, environmental pollution and booming population and poverty. I suspect there are many nasty people who are behind all the political bullshit that is happening. They are using and manipulating the rest of the people in their quest to success.

I wish there could be a virus to wipe out just the politicians and other people with secret dark intentions.

I was expecting a Star Trek Universe in 21st Century. It feels like we are going back to the Medieval Period in many ways.

So, who cursed us anyway?


  1. Yes, it sure feels like we are going backwards. I read a meme that said we'd all be better off if the media was shut down for 3 months.

    1. I am sure both your president and mine would love a media shutdown for other reasons.

  2. Yeah, it's been a "special" couple of months. Our Prime Minister is under self isolation and his wife has tested positive and is quarantined. Feels like all hell is breaking loose

    1. I am very concerned about the near future. Isolation is necessary but some people and some businesses live on people utilizing their services. How will people who live from paycheck to paycheck survive?
