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Monday, January 31, 2022

The Electricity Bill

Recently, there has been tons of complaints about the increase in electricity prices and people were sharing horribly expensive bills online. They were claiming that their electricity bills were 2-3 times what they were prior to the New Year. I receive my bill on the last day of the month, so I was very curious about it.

Thankfully, my bill was not so bad. About 20% more. (The "official" inflation rate is 20something% but, it really is well over 40% ). There is an incremental pricing scheme. Luckily, it looks like I am not exceeding the first increment.

Today, I read that the first increment was increased due to the high number of complaints. I guess they will find something else to rob people. Sigh... Have I ever told you how I hate the current government? They have totally screwed the economy. We are back to double digit inflation rates. I just hate the incompetent b....ds.

Today was a busy day and I am feeling a bit under the weather. So, I think I will go to bed early for once.

Wishing everyone a good week!


  1. I had read where your country's electricity prices skyrocketed. Pretty sad when 20% isn't that bad, compared to what you were expecting it to increase :(

    1. So true! Sad indeed. Illiterate people voting for stupid asses ended the country right here.

  2. The US government can give your Turkish government a run for the money on corruption and screwing the populous! lolz

    1. An honest politician is just an oxymoron. As ordinary citizens we deserve better. WHat can I say? Life is so screwed.

  3. Ah, the good old days of Ataturk and his followers. Your current government is indeed ruining the country. Hang in there, we are in very similar situation here. Officially it’s 6 % but not true. Meat and veggies went up by at least 25%. Not many sales like we used to. Today ,I bought lamb shoulder for a couscous ( no other meat will do), it was almost double the price from last year. I work for a state University, they stopped all raises because of the pandemic. Just an excuse as enrollment are up. On the other hand. Take care.

  4. Thanks Farah. If only Ataturk had lived for another 20 years, we would have non of this nonsense. You take cae too!

  5. I've seen a few videos about the state of Turkey's economy and it horrifies me (although I'm sure it's highly censored). Your inflation rate is HORRENDOUS! I'm so sorry for what he's doing to your country!

    1. He thinks, he will live forever and get away with what I believe is treason.

  6. I cringe at our inflation rates here in the U.S. I can't even begin to fathom how anyone in your country is managing to survive with your increases. There are many countries (including ours) that needs a change in administrations.
