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Monday, February 7, 2022

A VENT (So, if you want, you may skip reading this post)

Remember this post?

Well, the company made it's best and final offer on Friday to the candidate. This morning, I asked if she accepted and sent back the offer. She said she talked to her manager and her manager told her, they will be giving her a promotion in April.

She said her salary will exceed what our customer offered her so, she will be declining the offer. 

I understand that people want to maximize their income and that they have anxieties about the future and all that. When she first declined the offer, she should not have come back to us, saying that she wanted to take it after further consideration. That's what upsets me.

She used us. 

May be I should accept the fact that, this is quiet all right, and Niccolo Machiavelli said so back in 16th Century. 

My friend, who is the owner of the company wants to talk to this candidate once again and I see no reason in doing that. I have zero interest in spending even a minute more of my life for a lost cause.

OK! There. I feel better already.

Over the weekend, I sorted thru things, purged, threw away, set aside to donate some stuff and that made me real good. I also sorted through the medicine drawer and tossed a lot of things which have expired long time ago. This activity uplifted my mood so, I will continue in other parts of my home. 

Hope, everybody has a great week. I will forget about how crappy mine started.

Onwards and upwards!


  1. She did use you, unfortunately. Let her current job deal with her nonsense. Your friend needs to move on to another candidate.

  2. I think you were used too. Best you found this out pretty quickly. Now you will be more aware when another person like this comes your way. Live and learn - and those lessons never stop. People can be so strange.

  3. I love your venting. Yes, this lady is playing everybody. Nowadays, tech people jump ship for more money all the time. It’s unfair that you don’t get your commission after all the work you put in. I presume she is a hot commodity if her company offered more money to retain her. Stay safe and healthy

  4. I can't believe your client would even want her for an employee now, they must be desperate! But, I guess as long as you are getting paid to put in the time to talk to her again, I guess look at it as your client's problem if she does or doesn't accept. But, I don't blame you for not wanting to even deal with her anymore.

  5. I can't tell you the number of times TheHub has interviewed prospective hires who are really just using the "new job" offer as a salary leverage with their current employers. It is all part of the game I guess.

  6. Vent away - that lady was TOTALLY unprofessional!
