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Saturday, February 5, 2022

UGH! COVID hits the family...

My BIL has been in Ankara since last Sunday to take care of his folks. The caregiver needs to go to her home country for a while and there is a temp caregiver now. He also needed to sell a piece of land on behalf of his father.

He had taken the caregiver to some Government offices for some bureaucracy and saw her off on Wednesday. 

Today, he hears from her saying that her COVID test she had to take in her home country turned out positive. He was telling me the story while coughing and he also said he was running a slight fever. He thought it must be a cold or something. I asked him if he had taken a COVID test and he said no, because he was supposed to go back home on Sunday and I lost it!

I said "Are you nuts? What if you have the damn virus? You will board a plane full of passengers and go home to your wife who has a chronic condition? You are going to the hospital right this moment and getting tested!" 

I then called my sister and told her if he tests positive, she will not be going to Ankara to care for him because, she is vulnerable and that I will be going instead. Yeah, I pulled rank... We'll see if she will obey the orders though... She said she was an adult and stuff like that but, I ended the conversation by saying that if she manages to die before I do, due to some sillyness and ignorance like this, I will jump off a roof and follow her around till eternity yacking away all these stupid stuff. Here is a risk she will not want to take I think.

The apartment in Ankara is quiet large and I can isolate BIL in their bedroom which has a bathroom. I can put a TV table right outside his door and serve him his meals. Then my sister says, she has ridden in the car with a guy working for him who just got tested positive. I asked her if she was wearing an N95 mask and she said "no, just a regular surgical mask". I lost it again! Now, I am worried if she has caught the darn virus.... Sigh...

While we were talking on the phone, my BIL went to the hospital where they gave him an IV to bring his temperature down because, by the time he reached the hospital, he was running a serious fever. They also gave him a tomography and two different COVID tests one being the quick test. Thankfully, his lungs are clean but, guess what? He tested positive!

He is feeling good and he asked none of us to go to Ankara as long as he feels fine. I am OK with that. 

I wonder what was going to happen, if I hadn't made him go get tested. He probably would have visited his folks to say goodbye and infect them as well. 

Normally, they are level headed people but...

So, now COVİD hit my family too and I will be worried sick till he tests negative.


  1. Fingers crossed he feels better soon, and no one else is infected. My husband and I are triple-vaxxed (Moderna), wear KN95 masks everywhere, and still managed to catch it (I suspect my husband brought it home from the gym since he got it first). We both had very mild cold symptoms, and I also got the GI version (not fun).

    1. Thanks Bobbie, he is feeling fine. I just spoke to him and he was watching the Winter Olympics. I am glad you and your husband had it mild.

  2. Oh no! Sending good thoughts to you, and your family. I have upgraded to double masks and trying to get the Koren n95s to my parents etc. Sigh!

    1. Thank you JiCaLu. I will wear either double mask or use the N95s from now on like you said.

  3. Good thing you urged him to get tested. He probably got the omicron and he should fine. You don’t need to go to Ankara, he can take care of himdself. Stay safe.

    1. I only intended to go if my SIS decided that he should be cared for. I did not want ther to go. He says he is fine. So, everybody is staying put for the time being.
