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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

So fed up with idiots!

Today was the last day of the red tape I had to deal with. I do not remember how many times I warned people to keep the social distance, cover their noses with the mask and wear the damn mask. It is mandatory here in this city and people must wear masks properly at all times. Period!

How can this be so darn hard? 

Yesterday, I have read that a woman was tested positive but, she kept it a secret because her daughter was getting married. If she herself had kept home, may be it would not be that bad but, she attended the wedding and people started to get sick right after the occasion. So, the health officials immediately started to interview people and found out about the wedding. Now they are tracing everyone who had contact with, who had contact with the woman. How can people be so selfish AND stupid?


  1. We have a lot of those idiots here in the US, unfortunately. With the biggest one being in our White House. But he'll be gone soon enough! Yeah, I hear ya - people are either stupid or selfish. They can whine & moan all they want - they are the reason this will go on & on & on.

    1. On your end, the idiots take it as a freedom issue, over here it is an illeteracy and ignorance issue. And you are right, this will go on an on just because of them.
