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Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Rice and Beans and Good News!

Today, I just could not decide what to eat and finally decided to make rice and beans. I had frozen fresh navy beans in the freezer so I took them out and soaked them briefly in hot water. I had purchased them fresh and shelled them myself late August so they do not need to be soaked overnight.

I chopped onions and sauteed that with some olive oil and salt. I added tomato sauce and the rinsed beans and put them in my pressure cooker. It took 30 minutes to cook.

I only use a specific kind of rice from northwest of Turkey. I soak the rice in hot water for about a half hour and rinse it really really well. I melt butter, add hot water, add the rice and a bit salt and simmer that with the lid on till all the water is gone. For each one cup of rice, I use one and a half cup of water. That is my most basic rice pilaf. I may use grated ripe tomatoes or stock sometimes. I may add chick peas, chicken pieces and currants.

Leftovers are for Friday. I do not like eating the same thing two days in a row.

Today was a lazy day but, I did tidy up certain areas and a couple of drawers and did a load of laundry. Tomorrow, I will change my sheets and wash them. 

The good news is that one of my candidates accepted the job offer and will be starting her new position in April. Yay!

Now, I need to find one just like her and their boss. Ugh! Her peer will have his first interview tomorrow. Hope, all goes well. 


  1. Fingers crossed for the interview tomorrow!
    I don't think I have ever seen fresh navy beans or even fresh kidney beans around here. I am sure they are much tastier than dried. I know fresh black eyed peas are so much tastier than their dried counterparts!

    1. I think the interview went well. We'll see. I do not know how much land you have and whether the climate permits it in your area but, they are so easy to grow. If I had a garden, I would grow lots of things.

  2. Does the rice and beans you made give you lots of leftovers? I have a bean soup I make that makes for lots of leftovers :). Congrats on your candidate taking the job!

    1. I do not stick to a recipe and I am used to cooking for one. So, the leftovers will be just another meal. I never made bean soup. I think I should try one day because I am sure, I will like it.

    2. it's actually called "Taco soup" and has a whole bunch of different beans in it (I just buy the canned beans to make it)

  3. Congratulations on the candidate placement! Your rice and beans sounds really good.

    1. Thank you Juhli. My rice and beans are really very basic but they taste good. I usually add flakes of red hot pepper.

  4. I love the sound of your rice and beans. That's pretty much a staple in Costa Rica and I loved being able to have it for breakfast. And congratulations on getting a job for one of your candidates!

    1. Rice and Beans for breakfast? Why not? I am sure it is great to start a cold day with a warm belly.

  5. Congrats on your candidate taking the job. I was so busy with this last few days. My water heater went bust, so I had to find someone to replace it. I make soupes all the time. My husband has soupe everyday for lunch as hiis stomach was removed few years ago,

    1. Sorry for the water heater. It is such a bummer when that happens in the middle of winter isn't it?
