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Sunday, June 28, 2020

Break from Cleaning to Sew

I was making masks with ties instead of elastic when I was in Ankara. I need to make 5 more to send to my uncle along with a new wallet I bought for him.

Sewing is messy so, I decided to take care of that before starting to clean my living room. The small table top ironing board and the sewing machine is set up on my dining room table right now and I am ready to go.

I have two huge Linden Trees right outside in front of the apartment and they are probably producing a lot of pollen because despite taking allergy meds, I keep sneezing. Too much sneezing makes me feel sick. Sometimes a dark cup of coffee helps. I may go for a cup in a little while.

My BFF and I are watching Broadchurch on Netflix. She lives in the US and I live an ocean and a continent away. I love technology! Yesterday we decided to be each other's accountability partners in losing 30 pounds. I will start walking every day regularly too. She walks for 45 minutes with a neighbor of hers every day.

Today is the second day of the university entrance exams and I expect Istanbul to get less crowded in a few days. Most families will go to their summer places although if I were them, I would not. If one catches the virus, there are very few small hospitals with not much ICU capabilities in vacation spots. I would rather be in the city and be closer to better health care. However, not a lot of people are taking this seriously and I have a feeling they have a tough time keeping their kids at home as well.

This week is a stress factor for my sister and BIL. The bank will most likely place them in different branches. They have put in a request to go back to Ankara but, one of them will have to give up her/his title. That is bullshit of course but, if you do not have someone influential, that is what happens to you. It does not matter if you are best and the most hard working person. Corruption, what else? My BIL actually has a very influential cousin but, he is not the kind of person who will ask for favors even though it is actually not a favor but, rather a right.

I am hoping that they will not be placed anywhere they will be very unhappy. I am already concerned about my sister's health as it is.


  1. I guess you can only hope for the best for your sister and BIL. People everywhere aren't taking it seriously enough and look whats happening. I think staying put where you are is a good idea. People never think they will need medical help.

  2. I love Broadchurch! I hope everything works out for your sister and brother-in-law. I've been walking too, but I've been eating things I shouldn't. I need to do better.

    1. We have watched the first episode of the 3rd and final season. I think it is a brilliant show. We need to find another show to watch after this. US Netflix and Turkish Netflix have some common shows but not all are common.

  3. I was chatting online on FB the other day on a FB group I follow. She was in California and I'm in France and I commented on how lucky we were and how weird I still find it! And good luck to your sister and BIL. Corruption and "influence" just makes me want to scream!

    1. The virus has put distances between us and the only way to overcome that is to rely on technology. Thanks for the well wishes for SIS and BIL
