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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Supercell Storm Warning

I woke up to a very dark and dreary day. Was hoping to wash the windows of my room and do a deep cleaning in my bedroom but, I decided against it. When I saw the supercell storm warning, I decided to park my car in a safe place. I cannot forget the walnut sized hail storm three years ago. So many cars were hit very badly. A search on the Internet gave me a place within 6-7 miles. So, I just drove there, parked my car and took a cab back. Went into the Pharmacy for my eye drops and did a quick grocery run. And totally forgot to get more allergy medicine... Ugh!

Now, I am home. I did one load of laundry but, I do not feel like doing much because of the magnitude of what I need to do. I must take my wardrobe down, wipe it, get rid of some items, take out the summer clothes, etc. I need a Marie Kondo moment.

I am ready for some tea. Here is a video of how we make tea. Warning: It says soft water not salt water. Some people hear it as salt! Lol! The way we make tea is not as elaborate as the Japanese but, it is not as simple as dumping a tea bag in hot water either.


  1. One of those super cells just hit Alberta (Calgary) last weekend. Took out many windows in homes and cars. It also peeled siding off! Smart to park your car somewhere safe.

    1. I have seen videos of that. Tennis ball sized ice! It must have been terrible.

  2. I loved that tea video. I may be old fashioned but I still think tea-making is a ritual, just like I love north African mint tea. I at least still use a proper teapot and cosy but it's hardly a ritual is it!

  3. Stay safe! Good idea to move your car to a safe place! Been thinking of you - hang in there.
