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Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Screwed up Health System and Insurance Decisions

In the past, the health system was pretty good in this country but, the current government (idiots!) gradually and intentionally screwed it up to create this big mess during the last 17 years. It is still not as bad as the US but, slowly getting there.

The Social Security system provides some basic care but, the co-pay has become pretty high if you go to private hospitals or private university hospitals which I prefer. As long as I have worked, the companies I worked for, provided a supplemental insurance with excellent coverage and 20% co-pay. Now that I am not working, I must take care of the supplemental insurance which is a higher cost for an individual as opposed to a company who buys these policies in bulk with a big discount.

I have called the insurance broker and he is currently working on some alternatives for me. Sigh!

This expense was built into my budget but I think, I have underestimated this. It is not a huge deal and I can certainly cover this expense. Still, it annoys me.

I have updated my projection going forward.

I sometimes think, what if the people of the world had decided to live in peace and stopped investing in stupid weapons and pour those resources into education and health. Wouldn't the world be a better place? May be we are past that point with so many people on Earth? I do not know. The only thing that I know for sure is people never take any lesson from the history and keep on doing the stupidest things.

I like watching WWI and WWII documentaries. It is so sad how many people and mostly young people lost their lives for exactly what? So, so sad.


  1. Canada invests much less in armed forces than other countries but we tend to get in trouble for it (USA keeps holding it against us, they seem to think we are the enemy right now, Canada, the innocent bumble bee of a country). We do have a good basic healthcare system yet there are still plenty of things they don't pay for. Mom's cataract surgery yesterday in Eye 1 went well and she paid zero for it - but she had to wait 3 years, in part due to the line and in part due to her original Dr just quitting unexpectedly so she had to go to the back of the line. We pay for other eye care such as glasses and contacts, pay for all our dental. Most provinces have free healthcare. We in British Columbia still pay $75 a month for a couple (still ultra cheap) and they are trying to figure out a way to phase out the bill altogether. It used to be $150 a month but went to half that last year. I am grateful for what we have though, especially for seniors. It does make planning things much easier to know that if we get sick we can go to the hospital any time and not have to pay for anything except prescriptions.

    1. Trust me we would take Canada for a neighbor country in a heartbeat. We could in fact be surrounded by Canada and be very happy about that. Neither US, nor Turkey is run by smart people these days.

  2. Not too sure about Canada begin run by smart people right now...LOL but we still have decent health care. Somethings are not covered by the gov't ( insulin for one), but Narcan and methadone are covered...

    1. Insulin not covered? OMG! Is it expensive?

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