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Saturday, November 7, 2020

Treaders! I challenge Thee!.... and me...

In my last post, I had mentioned that I did not feel ready to let go of my work clothes which I no longer need. Yes, I do work part time, but that requires only a few decent looking pieces. In her comment, Treaders from Random Thoughts talked about the same thing.

Sooooo, I decided to challenge both of us to purge our work clothes by the end of this month! Of course, there must be rules so, here are the ones I could think of:

1. We will count the tops, jackets and bottoms by November 15th and share on our blogs.

2. At the end of the challenge, we are allowed to keep a maximum of 6 tops, 4 jackets and 6 bottoms. These should cover all seasons so, we need to select wisely.

3. Everything set aside shall have to be donated latest by November 30th. So no keeping them around our homes beyond that point.

3. Just couldn't think of a reasonable penalty?

Any ideas? Anybody else who want to join?


  1. Eeewwww you're a hard taskmaster, but challenge accepted!

    1. Yay! I am sure we will wonderful when we are done.

  2. How about a penalty of having to donate the approximate amount you paid for those excess clothes to a charity? Or to really have a penalty, you have to donate even the clothes you want to keep except for one outfit?

    1. Very good idea! Let's see what Treaders says.

  3. I have only pulled about half of my winter clothes out of storage and already have too many things. Though they are not work related I need to join in just to get rid of my excess.

    1. Wonderful! Welcome to the Challenge. Donating winter clothes at the beginning of the season makes a lot of sense.

  4. Love this challenge! My "work clothes" are similar to social clothes (no dress code at my office), but each week I've been culling things & have made really great progress. My goal is to keep it up.

    1. Congrats! I hope to be like you once I get rid of this bunch.

  5. Back in the day when dress code was suits, ties and dress suits for women, I had several. Then I became a SAHM and just couldn't part with them, thinking one day I might return to work. Then when I did go back to work 6 years later, I didn't realize everything had changed to more casual office attire. I was so happy, I never felt like myself all suited up every day. I got rid of those suits right away, LOL.

    1. Yeah and dress suits needed to be worn with pumps too. That meant the dreadful pantyhose! Ugh! I don't think I will be able wear one ever again. It has been at least 17-18 years since I have worn a skirt.

  6. OK my problem is that we were allowed to dress quite casually at work (unless it was meeting day) so I no longer have "formal" stuff. I do, however, have way too much other stuff so I will photograph my closet beforehand and after and most likely all the stuff I'm going to put in the charity bins beforehand. I doubt I even have 6 jackets to begin with (does that make me the winner before we start?) so I'll have to get creative about counting. I've just got too much stuff!

    1. Hmmm. May be you should get rid of everything you have not worn in a year then? I have too many pants for instance.

  7. I also worked in a mainly casualjob before not working but still felt I wanted a different style in retirement. I would maybe start with things not working a year that are not special occ dions or severe winter maybe? Now that I've moved to a slightly different climate I am back to doing my capsule, starting with 8 of everything for year round.

    1. Oh please do come join the challenge! I am interested in capsule wardrobe method but never quiet got the gist of it.
