About Me

Wednesday, January 4, 2023


I do not set goals for the new year. I know I never make the effort.

This year may be an interesting one due to something that may or may not happen. I am just not ready to share it yet. If that thing happens, I will be setting and sharing my goals. 

Today, I was busy with some part-time work matters. I had reports to write and send out and they are all done. Now, I can start the other tasks without those reports hanging over my head.

We haven't seen any snow yet and I am worried about that. The water levels are down in dams that supply Istanbul. I do not like to have water problems in the summer. This year I will hopefully be home in July and August when it is really hot in the coastal cities. 

Uncle will be out with his friends tonight. I will put together a salad and an eggplant dish from the freezer for myself for dinner.

I am thinking of making a French Onion Soup these days. I want uncle to be home for dinner too so, we'll see what his plans are. He and two of his High School buddies are like brothers so, they want to spend as much time with him as possible.

It is a dark and sleepy day. Just had my coffee but, can barely keep my eyes open. I better go and hang the laundry and try to wake myself up.

Have a nice hump day!


  1. I don't make goals but I should set some for myself...I hope you do get the needed snow! We had lots in Ontario for Christmas but it is gone now where I am in Toronto. Happy Wednesday!

  2. I don't make resolutions either because I know they won't last. I've always said I'm a tortoise rather than a hare anyway so I'll just keep plodding on as I am!

  3. I don't make New Years Resolutions either as I am hopeless at keeping them. Damp and dreary day here in Southern Ontario.
