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Thursday, January 26, 2023

Bibs and Aprons

I need to wear an adult size bib for meals. I have no idea why but, I always stain my shirts when I am eating. I am not a sloppy eater by any means but, a small piece of oily food always manages to take a dive off my fork and makes a messy landing on my shirts.

Considering either this one in 3XL:

Photo Credit:https://www.vkaire.in/blogs/news/newborn-baby-bibs-101-everything-that-you-need-to-know

Or, a napkin worn this way, just like the gentleman in the picture:

Photo Credit: ClassicStock / Masterfile

I do a lot of cooking from scratch and I have three aprons which I almost always forget to wear. Thus, I usually end up with wet clothes or clothes with food splatter. Especially, if tomatoes or red beets are involved, there is no escaping.

I think, I should be in a Victorian Maid garb all day long. 

Photo Credit: The Daily Victorian

I guess,  I should start by sewing adult size bibs and try one of the above after honing my sewing skills. 


  1. Maybe you need to designate some eating shirts - put them on only for eating LOL!

    1. Oh when I have worn out shirts that I wear around my home, this never happens.

  2. I am laughing because this is me! After baking bread the other day and had flour all over me I looked in the pantry only to literally be smacked in the face by my apron.

  3. I am laughing because that is totally me. I try to remove my work clothes as soon as I enter the house but if I eat somewhere else, I almost end up with a stain. Grease stain on a silk shirt is not easy to get rid off.

    1. I had a favorite white shirt and that never stayed clean till I got back home from work.

  4. I've had large boobs since I was 10 yrs.old. Eating has always been a hazard for my shirts. And now that Essential Tremors have kicked(thanks to my genetics)whether I get the food in my mouth or my shirt/lap/table/floor is a crapshoot. ;-)

    1. Yeah, big boobs here too. Sorry about the tremors.

  5. I don't do too bad eating (for the most part), but like Sluggy I've got boobs and they have to be accommodated! That being said, I always wear an apron, but in the garden. I guess wearing one in the kitchen wouldn't be a bad idea either though!

    1. You, Sluggy and I can start our big boob club.

  6. LOL, I used to buy a woman I knew brightly colored flowery scarves from the thrift store. She used them because she was a "messy eater and the mistakes don't show" Something to consider.

    1. Haha! That's a good one. May be cheap scarves will save my clothes.

  7. I’ve been using the thin kitchen towels (tknown as tea towels), as a “bib” tucked into my shirts to protect them when I eat at home.
