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Saturday, January 28, 2023


Lately, I have been watching lots of de-cluttering and organizing videos and some of those videos were tempting me to go out and buy all matching containers for the pantry, clear organizers for the bathroom cabinet, all sorts of zippered organizers to put my clothes in order etc.

I loved the containers I bought from IKEA yesterday and all of a sudden I found myself imagining how wonderful it would be if I bought different sizes to store everything in my pantry. 

Then it dawned on me that some of those videos are unreal. I mean who can keep all their jars in military order? Some of those organized pantries look like you need to stand at attention and then salute them. No, thanks.

It's not like I have a large family with a huge pantry with lots of stockpiling items and 100+ jars of homecanned food. I have one large and deep kitchen drawer dedicated to pantry items and a small 4-tier shelf on my balcony which I got during the pandemic to store some extra canned veggies and tomato products along with canned fish. 

So, I emptied the pantry drawer and cleaned it out. Then I checked the expiration dates of everything in it. I found the last of red kidney beans which have expired. I soaked them to make vegetarian chili. I also found some rolled oats that expired last year this month and they still smell good. I do not know if I should use them. What do you think? 

I was able to re-claim some space on my counter too so, it's a happy day.

I am now thinking why human mind is wired to be tempted? I am watching frugality, re-organization, de-cluttering, minimalism videos and I get tempted to try many things I see.

Well, now I am leaving you with The Temptations. Gotta go and try making those bagels that I saw on a Vlog yesterday.


  1. Well, as the saying goes, "the best way to organize your stuff is to get rid of most of it." Don't buy more containers. Buy less stuff. When it comes to food, there are situations where containers help keep food safe. In the south (US), where I am, it's wise to put opened pasta or cereal in sealed containers to keep them fresh and safe from bugs. Don't be tempted to buy too many containers. Minimalism is catching on and they need a way for you to still buy things, so organizers, baskets, jars, etc are that thing. lol You can find them way cheaper at yard sales and thrift stores.

    1. I decided against buying more containers. I am trying to simplify every aspect of my life. I keep pasta, rice and flours in sealed containers too. I had bug problems before.

  2. I just read an article on how all those dates are just suggestions. Anything in a can can last for ever unless you see bulking or rust. I throw away a can of salmon that had some rust spots. Dry beans last a long time. They may become dryer and need a a longer cooking cooking time. Whole wheat flour doesn’t last very long because of the fats that can go rancid. I just use my sens of smell to determine if a product expired. About the containers, I bought glass containers for flour and sugar about 30 years ago that I am still using. I reuse containers that come with other products. I buy italian almond Biscottis that come in a large container, they are perfect for storing rice, lentils,....Yes, those pantries look so good but that will never work with me. They are just for show.

    1. I agree that those pantries are for show. I will use the oats.

  3. Oh I get it absolutely when I see a homestead with 100 acres and a whole barn full of home canning! But like you I realize that will never be me. Just like when I recently gave away a couple of Martha Stewart books. Yeah everything was beautiful but I don't have a full staff, a lighting director and professional photographer either. 12 of us are having our monthly board game evening at my place tonight and while I would love everything to be "Martha Stewart", it ain't gonna happen. And in any case, nobody cares!

    1. So true. I like to experiment with new recipes but, Martha is a bit too much for me too.

  4. As long as the oats smell good and have no mold just use them. The dates are sell-by dates so they can get people to buy new ones. They aren't these-have-gone-bad dates.

  5. I'd still use the oats, preferably in a recipe where they are cooked. (I have recipes for protein bars or whatever, where they are no bake, & wouldn't do that if they were expired.)

    To your point, I find that the vast majority of organizing I need to do is actually decluttering. Once you've gotten rid of a bunch of stuff, it's so much easier to figure out how to organize it.

    1. Yes, I decided to make a savory oatbake with them. I also agree that we need to declutter first and then organize. It is a work in process.

  6. I am not afraid to use foods beyond their expiration date. I have even used soured milk in baking.
    My housekeeper, butler, laundress, and driver are all named Anne. I would like to fire her but she keep showing up every single morning.
    She is the reason things are no where near perfect here.

    1. I guess perfect is the enemy of good. Anne has a lot to juggle so make her a cup of coffee and treat her with something sweet.

  7. it's rarely achievable all those perfect looking houses, in my humble opinion. Do what works for you.

    1. Absolutely. I did a major decluttering last year and that felt so wonderful. It is a work in process though. Every week, I look at certain areas and purge at least one or two items.
