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Sunday, January 29, 2023

The Oatmeal Bake

After receiving your encouraging comments and checking to see if the oats still smelt fine with no bugs and any other unwanted stuff in them once again, I decided to make an oatmeal bake. Most recipes call for sweet ingredients like, fruit and sugar. I wanted a savory recipe this time. So, a very short search on the Internet helped me find this recipe.

I had leeks, chard and sweet potatoes so, those are what I used. I also did not use the tomato paste and Italian herbs. The veggies are sauteed and tomorrow morning, I will make the oatmeal bake. Will let you know how it will turn out.

I got up late today but, I still took two naps during the day. I rather dozed off  I should say. Don't know why. Hope, I can sleep tonight. Most nights I cannot sleep before 2-3 a.m. in the morning.

Gotta go and hang the one load of laundry I did today.


  1. Some nights I go to bed at 3 or 4 am, when totally exhausted I sleep early like 11:00 pm but then I wake up at 2:00 am. I usually go back to reading or streaming until 5:00 am. Thank goodness I don’t have early classes. My girls tell me to take ambien but I refuse. I take medications for BP and Diabetes, I don’t need more. Sometimes, I forget to write my name and my comment is comes out as anonymous like in the last post.

    1. I refuse to take sleeping pills too. Insomnia is terrible.

  2. you are going to think I am crazy, but I can't wrap my head around savory oatmeal......looking forward to hearing your review.

    1. It turned out pretty tasty actually. Next time I would use two eggs. No, I don't think you're crazy. Lol! I like sweet things to accompany my afternoon coffee or tea but, that's all. I do not like sweet things for breakfast.

  3. When I can't sleep at night I always say it is because the angels are talking to me.
