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Thursday, January 19, 2023

Loss Leaders

I noticed that one of my grocery stores published a flyer with some loss leaders.I was going to go out to buy yogurt so, I went to this store and bought 2 kgs of chopped beef, a big bag of whole wheat tortillas, string cheese, some canned veggies, butter and wild rice. A pack of smoked salmon jumped into my cart without me noticing. That will top at least three salads. The meat, butter and the tortillas will go into the freezer. Thankfully, I have enough space now to make this work. 

I had beans in the freezer so, tomorrow's dinner will possibly be burritos. 

I checked the expiration dates on my canned goods and found some that will expire this year, so I pulled them together and placed them on the upper shelf. Every January, I check my spice cabinet to see if anything needs to be tossed an replenished. I will do that one of these days.

Tonight's dinner will be fish and salad. The fish is thawed in the fridge and ready to be popped in the oven with a bit of olive oil. I had shredded whatever was left of the iceberg lettuce and the cabbage. So, it is going to be so easy to put together a salad. I also have cauliflower that I had boiled. I mash it up, add lemon juice, olive oil and salt to it. This is the only form of cauliflower that I like.

Here is my list for tomorrow's Farmers Market:

- Broccoli

- Avocados

- Cabbage/Bell Peppers/Zucchini/Chard whichever looks better and fresh (to stuff)

- Red Beets

- Arugula

- Radishes

- Onions

- Parsley and green peppers for my version of a tabbouleh

- In case I do not get a cabbage to stuff, Brussel Sprouts

Plus any other veggies or greens that catch my eye.  I may also get some fruit. My favorite is Satsuma Mandarins but, I think their season is over now. I do not like the other kinds. We'll see.

Then I will check out my fishmonger to see if I would like anything. It is warmer than usual and fresh fish is not great when the weather is so mild. 

Gotta go and pay my semi-annual car taxes on both cars and wire the money to a contractor in Antalya who is working on repairs of the apartment complex. We are paying in installments. 


  1. I hope you can find a big head of cabbage to stuff with the chopped meat you bought. I haven’t made dolma with cabbage in a long time as I can’t find a good head of cabbage in my area. They are are very small and not fresh. Take care.

  2. Don't you just love farmers' markets!!!! We have them every day here (in different villages) and I could visit them every day, but then I would probably end up throwing away 6 days worth of food each week!

    1. Instead of villages, we have them in major neighborhoods but, the cost of gas would be ridiculuous if I went to different ones each time. Finding a parking spot is also really hard. This one I like is relatively close. The one closest to me is on Saturdays and it gets too crowded and finding a parking spot is impossible.

  3. Love cabbage, have one in the fridge at the moment. Need to make something with it soon.

    1. They say it is a great veggie for gut health so, I try to consume it especially in season.
