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Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Status of my Grocery Challenge

As mentioned before, I am trying to eat whatever is on hand with the exception of dairy and some greens. Last week I shopped for a small number of things that were supposed to tie me over till Friday when I want to go to the Farmers Market that I like. There is still quiet a bit.

Tonight's Dinner: Chicken pot pie and salad

Wednesday Dinner: Leftovers and salad

Thursday Dinner: Fish from the freezer and salad

All the chicken in the fridge will have been consumed as soon as I finish eating the pot pie. 

There is a package of chopped meat in the freezer. Depending on what is best in the market, I may make either cabbage rolls or stuffed grape leaves or stuffed peppers/tomatoes and zucchini with that over for the weekend.The cabbage rolls I made last time were pretty good.

As for dairy, I will need to buy either yogurt or milk to make my own.

My goal is to consume all meat and pre-frozen meals in my freezer to be consumed before, I go get more meat. 

There is still too many ziplock bags of tomatoes I pureed at the end of summer. I think, next time, I will not bother with that. The sliced tomatoes I froze were better. I am planning on making a veggie lasagna next week. One bag of tomato puree can go into that.

I do miss my old small freezer which had to go during the kitchen renovation. 

It is a dark, cloudy day today so, I think a hot cocoa is necessary to lift my mood up. 


  1. Hot chocolate is a great mood lifter. In fact, I might plan a mood lifter like that for later on tonight!

  2. I love a chicken pot pie, and a good cup of hot chocolate! I had a French Vanilla at work today, which is nice and yummy.

    1. I make my own hot chocolate because the store bought ones are always too sweet for me.

  3. Chicken pot pie sounds so good. I should find a recipe and give it a try one of these days. I've only had the frozen premade ones and I'm sure homemade would be much better.

    1. I did not follow a recipe this time. I had some canned carrot/pea/potatoes. I used that along with the chicken pieces. As always my crust was problematic but, edible.

  4. Well done on your challenge so far! I'm vaguely trying to use up the contents of my freezers but I also want to go more down a vegetarian path as I always feel so good when I do. Problem is, I've got a ton of meat in the freezer that needs using up/giving away first. Still I was very good today as I went to the market and ONLY brought fruit and veg. It's a start I guess!

    1. On Friday, I intend to buy only veggies and may be a little fruit. I will check out my favorite fishmonger too. I would like to eat less red meat and honestly I am a bit sick of chicken these days.
