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Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Monday Edition with Pictures

Today, I had a piece of cheesy bread with my French Onion Soup for lunch. Dinner will be a big salad with some shredded chicken.

Although the cabbage I bought was pretty small, I think I can make some cabbage rolls so, I separated about 10-12 outer leaves and washed them. Took out the chopped meat from the freezer. I shredded half of the remainin cabbage to use in a healthy version of slaw or just add to my salads.

I have loads and loads of laundry to do. My drying rack is not sufficient for this big job. Yesterday's cleaning rags are already occupying the lower rack as you can see.

I usually put two lines between the doors in the corridor at my home. My mom had come up with this trick and she even tied the hooks to my door hinges herself. Here is what the contraption looks like:

I use this to air dry bed linens and large towels. When I am done, I just take the rope out and the hooks remain behind the doors.

I would like the convenience of a dryer but, I neither have the space nor the electrical circuitry. 

My washer is also  one of the small versions available because of space restrictions. It can wash a load of 6 kg. which is about 13.2 lb. Since I live alone, that is quite sufficient.

I have started my fourth load and I think I have enough dryer rack space for kitchen towels too but then, I am done for the day. This is why I mostly never accumulate laundry. I do a load or two whenever there is enough to wash. 

Tomorrow I have errands to run during the day and when I get home in the afternoon, I may be able to finish the laundry. 


  1. What a cool answer to your drying issues!

    1. Once it is your routine, it is rather easy. I think air drying has some advantages too. Saving energy, clothes lasting longer and etc. I would prefer to have a dryer for linens, comforters and such.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I have a drying rack, but during the winter 9 times out of 10 I use my dryer, I am lazy!!

    1. Convenience is easy to get used to so, I don't think you're lazy at all.
